Stories, learnings and reflection #10/ Finally the thief was caught

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I have a story to tell everyone. It was about seven years ago today. I had just entered a hostel with the aim of studying in the best school nearby. And I also started studying. Soon found some like-minded mates and had a good conversation with all the classmates. All were good, and were residents of the same hostel.
The hostel had big rooms, clean food, clean washrooms and bathrooms. The place was full of facilities. Four of the class became my good and best friends. We used to hang out together a lot, but we rarely played. Just used to play rounds, whatever the break time was during that time.
Everything was going well, and gradually I got interested in studies, I was also understanding the studies, incidentally I was the foremost in the whole class, this is not pride and pride, but it is thanks to God's blessings. Then there was another eligible boy who happened to be one of the four of us. Then some four or six boys kept walking in the competition. The thing is, it began one evening:

"Have you seen my bag?" A class boy asked me a question.
I replied that yes, it was also in your luggage, what happened.
"One of them took my money, man," he replied.
"Oh, how much money," I asked.
It was about twelve hundred rupees." He seemed very sad. And I sympathized with him a lot, and felt sad too.
"Didn't you lock the bag?" I asked.
He said, "No." I said: "Then that's the thing. Someone must have seen you carrying money, and put their hand in your bag."
Well, it passed, and everyone shared his sorrow, and then forgot. But after a few days, someone's mobile phone was stolen again, buttons phone. It was allowed to have a cell phone, so that someone could talk at home. Obviously, they used to talk to their family. I was also far from home about 1500 kilometers. We were four friends and use to go to Round It was a routine to come back and study and sometimes go to play early in the morning. Then other boys of the hostel were also there.
Then after about six months I also got a smartphone, I was having the one with buttons already. But I held smartphone by hiding it from the teachers, I violated a kind of rules.

That I caught the color by seeing others, and there were some boys who were holding such mobiles, as mobiles were forbidden. Well, everyone in our group of four knew that I had a mobile. And none of them told anyone. Everyone was secretive.
All four of us would go out somewhere in the evening, and make videos with my mobile, which I would edit and upload on YouTube. A video with special effects was shot by Proper. From which I cut the scenes and made a trailer. We intended to make a full-short film on the topic.
But one day: apart from a this group, I was also very worthy, and was my other friends. A friend He belonged to my class and is still a friend. is in touch.
I said to him: No one knows, look how cleverly I have kept the mobile in the hostel".
He said: "Yes, show me, some time later."
When there was no one in the room, I brought him and took out my bag from under the bed: but I was surprised to see that my bag was torn. And from where I had hidden the mobile, someone had also taken out my mobile. My mobile was also stolen. To the creator, the protector, the worthy of praise, And all greatness, I mean Allah, didn't like my pride, and he taught me a lesson about my mistake. My friend also got worried and he also said,
"Look, nobody knows that you kept my mobile phone. You got little punishment for priding yourself".

I was ashamed and I was surprised that not many people in the class knew that I had a smart phone, and some were not close enough to know that I locked the bag and where I hide the phone. Only we four boys in the group knew such details.
That we all trusted each other. After all, we were together for half a year. Even if someone else knew, they did not know that I hide the mobile in the bag, and how to hide it. Well, I told the truth in the hostel, accepted my mistake, and told that I had broken the rules and kept the mobile, please help me to find the mobile.
O Karim Allah, He had reduced my punishment, had ended it. we did our best, the hostel team and teachers helped me a lot, checked Cameras etc. were seen, searches were conducted, eventually two of the four of us were found to be involved.
I mean there was no other boy. But the other two, the one who was very much good in studies, and the other with him. That is, the fourth of us. I was still surprised, that despite being such a close friend, he did this to me.
Finally he admitted that he was the one who tore open the bag and took out the mobile, when I was not in the room. And he had sold that mobile too. His uncle was there, he was called and told to bring the mobile from the person he sold it to. His uncle gave him 2000 and brought the mobile phone from the buyer and gave it to me. After that I never stayed in a mobile hostel.
Even today, when I remember this boy, there is a certain bitterness and dullness in my heart. Also His year was wasted and he was expelled from school, along with his partner. We two children were grateful and somehow completed our studies.

Most of the students realized to know that he was the actual thief from the starting. And I was ashamed that I joined his company, I let him be friend. And he was like this.

