Contest: Stories, learnings and reflection #01 (You can add your special tittle)
Tell us the incident that happened to you or others or that you heard.
A human being is an embodiment of different experiences and these experience are what makes up our lives. Have been a lover of stories right from time. I love how fascinating stories can be and the creativity behind it.
For this contest am going to be telling a real story about what happened to a relative of mine (my aunt)
My aunt is the last child in my mom's siblings and when i was still little i admired her alot. She was very decent and disciplined and very hard working. While at school there was a certain period her school went on strike my aunt used that time to invest in a skill and when she was done with school, having a skill already she went further to learn more and establish herself.
Few months after her graduation and all she met her husband and before you know it they got married. Their marriage was a beautiful one and the pastor actually prophesied to my aunt that it won't be difficult for her to get pregnant. And just like he said my Aunt immediately got pregnant after marriage and later on we heard she had a miscarriage. It was really sad and i could not imagine how she felt. She got pregnant again and also had a miscarriage. When this happened a second time my aunt became uncomfortable and decided to seek spiritual help from her pastor.
They had to take out time and pray for several days and it was revealed that her friend who was her chief bridesmaid was responsible for her miscarriages. In my country we believe so much in the spiritual things, as events both in history and now have proved that life is beyond the physical.
My aunt was advised by her pastor to stay away from her friend. In the last two pregnancy the both nights she had a miscarriage her friend visited her that day and in the night of it she lost the baby. So my aunt deliberately kept away from her friend and even when she comes to see my aunt, my aunt does not give her access and while she stayed away she followed it up with prayers and my Aunt got pregnant the third time and nine months later she gave birth. Her friend knowing that my aunt have discovered what she was doing never came around my Aunt again.
The impact it had on me
The day i visited my Aunt and she told me this story i was shocked as this particular friend was very close to her. Nobody would have thought that she had the capacity to hurt my Aunt. This experience made me realize a few things;
Complete trust should be placed on God. As you relate with other people you should be careful and sensitive because even women can hurt their children. It is only God that is able to protect and help you
Another thing i learnt from this story is that if you are not aggressive towards a situation nothing will change. When things are not working, the day you get tired and become aggressive towards change that's the day change comes.
I also understood the importance of wisdom in relating with people. A man who does not have wisdom will become a prey for others.
What do you intend to do with what you learnt or reflected on and how did you apply it or would apply it to your life or teach it to others.
From my Aunt's experience and with what have learnt from it, i applied the lessons gotten from it in my life. Am very trusting and care free with people but when i heard this story i started creating boundaries in my own life. And i thank God for the wisdom he has given me in relating with people though am not all knowing but i entrust my life in the hands of the one that is all knowing.
Thank you for reading. Comments are welcomed.
I would love to invite @hisgeneral @lovelystar and @chiomzy810 to participate in this contest.
Cc: @alexenderpeace