SFS Contest Picture of the Day Week 35
Greetings to you my amazing friends. Trusting God you all are doing good? I'm doing good too. It's another week to tell you another diary of mine. Last week, I gave a brief recap of my compulsory one year service to my nation called National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), today, I'll be taking us through my three weeks regimented camp life at the NYSC camp.
Thanks @ashkhan for organizing this contest.
It was an 11 hour journey to the city where I'm supposed to camp. We took off as early as 7am that morning from my city. The journey was calm and peaceful but of course, except for a few places where the road was very bad. Entering into those potholes, we all danced reggae dance despite no music was played (just to tell you how deep those holes were).
We arrived the town where the camp was located some few minutes away from 6pm. It was already getting dark and we needed to board another vehicle to take us to the camp. Luckily for us, there was a vehicle going to the camp. I met with other prospective corps members from other regions who were also heading to the orientation camp. We were charged #5,000 each (Nigerian currency) and were told that that's the last vehicle going towards that axis. If we missed it then we'll all have to sleep at the park till next morning. Though it was a bit expensive but we had no choice than to pay. It was when we got to the camp that we realised that the distance was not that far as we only drove for like 35 minutes. Those who were already in the camp felt sorry for us cos the trip was not supposed to cost us more than #1,500.
It was already dark when we got to the camp. We couldn't proceed with our registration that day but only wrote down our names after our bags were thoroughly searched. We were then given mattresses and assigned our space.
The next morning, we proceeded with our registration. This included result verification and other documentations like your health certificate to ascertain how fit you are for camping and ensure you are not having any form of communicable disease.
After our registration and documentation, we were given our NYSC kits which include our Khaki (we often call it 7/7 cos it comprises of a cap, a jacket, a white polo, a belt, a combat trouser, a pair of stockings and a jungle boot). We were also given extra pairs of white shirts and shorts and a tennis shoe (you are expected to be seen on only white shirts and shorts all through the period of camping) the khaki is a ceremonial wear.
We had an intensive matching drills for good three days in preparation for our swearing in. The swearing in was a colourful event as the governor of the state was present to swear us into the National Youth Service.
The remaining days of our camping include Man 'O War drills, special military drills, skills acquisition, sports (football, volleyball, relay race, handball). The sport was a mini competition across the platoons.
One thing I disliked about camp was the sound of the early morning bugle. I'm someone who loves morning sleep so much but as early as 4am, you're expected to start getting set as everyone ought to be at the parade ground at exactly 5am. Trust me, army are very good in keeping to time. A minute late and you'll have yourself to blame.
The day I love most is Sundays cos that's the only day one can put on his own personal wears but for only a stipulated time. It is also a day we get to eat fried chicken and rice.
Another part of camp life I enjoyed was the Man O' War drills. It was fun climbing those high ropes, crawling on your belly and jumping over obstacles. I wished I could go back and experience such drills one more time.
After our 3 weeks regimented camp life, we were posted to different cities within the state to continue with the other phase of our National service.
I'm inviting my friends @ashley-p @owulama @vickyson to also participate in this contest.
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Waw this absolutely amazing
Yeah. You can say that again my brother.
I will not just say that alon but I will also wish you success in the contest and more grace as well