Hair treatment procedure for thicker hair

in Steem Fashion&Style4 months ago

Hi friends.. Trust you all are well
So today, I decided to share some treatment procedure with you all, especially for ladies who are aspiring to have a long and thick hair
This hair treatment I'm about to share is for all hair types afro, curly, straight, wavy and the likes. It's also for both genders🤗

I blogged about my hair journey some weeks back and I indicated that I will share my treatment procedure
It is the rosemary, hibiscus and cloves mixture
This mixture does it all for me. It has made my hair of 2 years to grow thicker and longer. I did the big chop 2022 December. For those who may not know what's the big chop is…it is outrightly cutting your hair and growing bavk the hair afresh from the scratch. I did that because my hair was chemically damaged due to relaxers. They were split ends, discolouration and excessive breakage but this treatment combo repaired all the damage.


Hbiscus leaves


Rosemary (dried)




Half cup of water


Spray can


Depending on how much you want the treatment to be, you can increase the leaves and other herbs and also increase the water especially if you want to use it as a herbal rinse after shampooing. For me, I want to use it as a daily spray…more like a leave in conditioner, so I'm not washing it out.

First, after loosing my extensions, I comb it gently, then I arranged it into a style called “bantu knots”


Next, I take the hibiscus flower, rosemary and cloves in appropriate measure and a pour a cup of water into my boiling pot


Next, I boil it for 4minutes and then allow the herbs to cool inside the water
After the herbal water is cool, I sieve out the herbs and extract the water, then I put it inside my spray bottle


I decided to use a normal bottle because my spray can gives me issues due to pressing it in an up and down motion to extract the water onto my hair.
I used a normal bottle and then perforated the top cover twice so the herbal treatment water comes out little.

I do this every time I loose my braided hair, and when I braid my normal hair without using extensions,I also performance this treatment procedure. I also do this every month.

This has helped me to achieve fuller edges (though I'm still working towards it), thicker hair, longer hair, eases itching, removes dandruff and makes each strand strong.



We all would love a long and thick hair but efforts need to be put in place to achieve it. Treatment is a very important step that we ignore most times. So if you want to get the most out of your hair, you need to out in the work and do so consistently.
@eliany @khayjhay @ulfatulrahmah would you love to try this. It will work really well😁

Thanks for reading ♥️


You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

I have natural hair too so am definitely trying this.
Thank you for sharing this useful information.

Really...that would be very nice
You'll see visible results quickly!
