in Steem Fashion&Style4 months ago


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Like they always say, sometimes life throw to us what we expect least and we just need to accept it as it comes. Today I will be participating in the @sahmie in the Steem and fashion Community contest and be sharing my view how far this year have gone.

Do you feel closer to your friends and family because of social media, or do you think it keeps you apart?

Well I will say when it comes to the world of social media, it is a two way thing. In essence that it can either create the distance or even strengthen the bond. From my own side, I will say it helps to strengthen the bond that exist between my friends and family. It has always helps us to stay connected even if there is a long physical distance that exists between us.

Even though for some people, it can create this false sense of connection that exist between friends and families but when it actually comes to my own self, I have come to discover that it actually helps to strengthen our bond together even when we are not together physically, we are still staying connected.

How often do you use your phone or computer to talk to people compared to meeting them in person?

Well, when it actually comes to this particular aspect, I will say one of the things that the lord have really helped me with is the aspect of balancing between using digital tools to connect to people and the aspect of physical interaction with people also. Some people actually depends on phones and computers to communicate with people while some people prefer physical communication.

Actually I will say physical connection together will help to make the interaction to be more heartfelt much more and meaningful. But I will say it actually allows much more deeper connection together because when we have physical interaction, it create avenue for the body language and even eye contact much more. At the end of the day, I think I prefer physical communication much more than digital communication.

Can technology help us make new friends, or does it mainly connect us with people we already know?

Well of course why now I will say technology can really help us to make friends most especially new friends because you will have the opportunity to connect with new people all around the world.


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It can help us to connect with people that we have not met people most especially the social media platforms like discord z Facebook and many more. At the end of the day, I will just say it depends on how we make use of it actually. Not only creating new friends but also even strengthening the bond that exists between old friends also.

Have you ever felt lonely while using social media? Why do you think that happens?

I will say loneliness is what every one of us felt at one point. There are point in my life whereby I felt strong loneliness most especially and it happens when I try to compare my life with others. It begin to create this vacuum in me which at the end of the day translate to loneliness.

And the other thing is when you are noticing that everything been done look to be fake and less real on social media. You can even meet friends online but when you look around, you discovered that you are still lonely deep within. It actually affect me so much I must not lie actually. So I will say social media can be a strong tool to enhance connection but at the same time can create this loneliness.

How has technology changed the way we communicate with each other?

Well lastly, I will like to talk that technology have really changed the communication level as it has make it more faster and even easy for accessibility all across the world. With technology z it has actually enhance the rate at which we communicate as we can now have a more global reach.

It gives us easy access to places that even if we are not yet been there, we can have access to knowledge that can help us understand the perspective at which we can do things Pertaining to communication most especially.

I invite @cymolan , @radjasalman and @mikitaly @muzack1 and @@@damithudaya to drop a very constructive comments on this post and also to participate in this contest.

❤️I hope you enjoyed very much by reading my post. Thank you so much for reading till the end❤️

Best Regards By


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 4 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

La comunicación humana no volvió a ser igual desde que las redes sociales llegaron a nuestra vida y, esto se debe a que diariamente cambia la manera en que nos estamos comunicando. En lo personal, por una parte me parece bien, pero por la otra me asusta porqu las redes sociales en exceso nos distancia de la interacción social presencial.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Thank you so much for this

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Curated by @cymolan

Thank you