Silly Girls

in Inner Blocks4 years ago


You have the great privilege to have a glimpse into the life of a chicken.

See the white chicken?

When I took the picture, she was thinking about getting broody.

That means that she wants to start to sit on eggs.

Not every hen does that and not every hen makes a good mother. 

We see how this one will do.

She was sitting in the box and another chicken joined her to lay an egg.

Chicken like to do that. Sometimes, there are three of them sitting in a heap laying their eggs.

Well, this one decided to sit on them and not leave the box. Broody hens usually only get some food and water once a day.

I saw her the next day in the lay box to the right of her original nesting spot.

Sometimes, chickens aren't that smart and go back to the wrong nest.

That happened with another girl earlier too.

To prevent that to happen, I separated the two. I will show you their setup in tomorrow's Vlog.

Wish us luck that our rooster isn't too old and still has done his thing. We will know in a few weeks if there are baby chicks.

 4 years ago 

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