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RE: Dreaded Liberation!

in Inner Blocks5 years ago

Hello lovely lady! :D

Looks good. :D I bet if you put your dreads on a scale they'd weigh more than expected, I can't even imagine how heavy they felt on your head and neck...I bet both feel a lot looser now that weight is off of them. :D

I love to braid hair. :D I don't like hair in my face, so I've used just regular or french braids, I never learned any of the fancy ones. :D

Do you know how to do any of the fancy ones, like the fishtail or the upside down one? :D Those are two I'd like to learn myself. :D

Enjoy your new look and the different ways you'll be able to style it. :D

God bless you and your wonderful family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D


Thank you! Yes! It does feel amazing! Everything feels healthier and now I feel like they aren't holding me back from fun things like going under water when I swim. Before they would take so long to dry, I never wanted to get them wet. And washing them was such a chore.

I do know some fun braids! I like to experiment on my daughter's hair haha. Sometimes I go to pinterest to get ideas. The fishtail braid is actually pretty simple. It's easier to do from a ponytail. You can always put your hair in a ponytail first with a rubber band, then braid it and cut the rubberband out if you like that look better. Let me know if you try it! 😀 I hope you have a great day!

I thought it might! :D

Hmm, I never thought of putting my hair in a ponytail first and then trying the fishtail braid...I'll have to look for a tutorial and give it a try. :D Thanks for the idea. :D

Have an amazing day there with your fantastic family! :D

God bless you and yours! :D