Street dogs frequently hit by cars.... left to die

in Dogs3 years ago (edited)

WARNING: Graphic image contained inside this post

I suppose it is pretty obvious. If a dog lives in the streets it is going to be subjected to a lot of dangers and cars and motorbikes are just one of the many things that add to the suffering of the animal populations here in Krabi, the rest of Thailand, and many other places around the world.

Recently we came across a little fella that someone named "Tarzan."


While we can not be certain because none of us were there and no witnesses can be found (it doesn't really matter anyway) but his wounds seem consistent with having been bashed in the top of the head by the bumper of a car. Then the heartless drivers just carried on like nothing happened. I have been in instances where I nearly hit a dog at night beause they sometimes dart across the street. I have never struck one but if I did I wouldn't simply leave it there.

Thankfully he was discovered by someone who contacted us and it makes us happy that people seem to know to call us for help when these sorts of things happen.


The top of his head was almost completely taken off and had he not been pointed out to us by the community or we hadn't stumbled upon him on our own that wound would have become infected rapidly with maggots and he would have died a slow and painful death. Because of the early discovery, it really isn't even that big of a procedure to get him the care he needs.


It was just a simple case of cleaning and dressing the wound and the process will need to be repeated a number of times so that the skin and coat can regrow. We want to thank our very generous friends at Bangkok Krabi Animal Hospital for once again donating their time: The total bill for this procedure was exactly $0. It's a good thing too because we are basically bankrupt at this point but do what we can with our small team of volunteers.

Now it is just a question of time before Tarzan fully recovers and he is already showing signs of being playful and will cry when we have to leave him alone at night. It breaks our hearts to hear that, but it is still a dramatic improvement to what the alternative would be if he had not been discovered


The good news for Tarzan is that he is quite a little cutie and has a wonderful temperment and this increases his chances of adoption immensely. In the meantime we will look after him in our already packed to the gills kennels until he makes a full recovery. We hope that we will not have to return him to the "wild" and will do everything we can to prevent that from happening. He has only been alive for a few months and almost all of that time he has known only pain.

I once again want to encourage everyone out there to adopt, not buy pets and to also volunteer your time or money to your local animal rescue or shelter.

If you would like to see how you can help out or simply spread the word, please visit our website at


Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.



a terrible yet regular ocurrance in Thailand. When I lived there it was fairly routine to see dead dogs on the side of the road, presumably from getting struck by cars. I'm glad to see you were able to help out this little guy though!

Yes, it is something we see weekly if not more often. It's tragic, that is for sure.