Absolutely heartbreaking video about the dog meat trade

in Dogs3 years ago

We have been as involved as we can be towards the fight against the dog-meat trade that takes place in various parts of Asia but were recently made aware of a group called Paws for Compassion that operates out of Vietnam. While they do a lot of the same things that we do in that they focus on animal welfare in general, they have a battle that we rarely face here in Thailand an it is absolutely heartbreaking.


I wish we had an opportunity to be more involved with them but as anyone who reads my posts already understands, we are severely limited in what it is that we can contribute towards due to our own financial problems in the past year but I believe they deserve a lot of recognition for what they do.

On of their main initiatives is to lobby against the legal dog-meat trade that takes place in Vietnam and they work with other groups to help educate the young and lobby against industries that still engage in the serving of dog meat as a delicacy. For me it is difficult to imagine the sort of person that would eat dog but at the same time I can't consider myself innocent since I eat other meats on a daily basis. I am not totally innocent but according to testimonials that I have read online a lot of the time these animals are not raised on farms for meat, but rather are stolen from yards or even from people that are walking their dogs at night. While these situations do seem to be rare I would be lying if I said I had any sort of real-life knowledge of what it is really like.

When I think about how much my dogs mean to me and every other pet owner that I know, I can't even imagine the heartache that someone would feel when their dog (or cat) simply disappears in the night, especially when you are very aware of what is most likely to happen to them.


As cruel as this might sound coming from someone that operates an animal rescue I say that we can't really say that we are ok with eating pigs and cows, but not ok with dogs being eaten. Cultural differences are something that we have to accept but one thing I think we do NOT need to accept and definitely should be opposed to is the way in which these animals are treated specifically if they are stolen from your yard rather than being raised specifically for the meat trade. I would feel the same way if someone had a pet cow or pig and it was stolen and used for food.

Anyway, the video I was sent from their organization was a powerful one and it got me misty-eyed when I watched it and I think you should see it as well. It doesn't have nearly as many views or upvotes as I feel it deserves.

If you are an animal lover the way that I am I think it is impossible to watch that video and not feel a great sense of sadness.

As always I will end this post by encouraging you to adopt for pets, not shop for them and to donate your money, time, or both to an animal welfare or animal shelter near you. They always need help and appreciate it so much!

If you would like to see how you can help out or simply spread the word, please visit our website at



Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.

