ecoVillage Journal #21: Opportunities Abound!
It has been a profound three days. Who would have thought that I would connect with a fellow cosmic brother on so many levels, just by chance. Such things don’t just happen by coincidence, and my new friend Erdal has opened the door to some incredible opportunities for how ecoVillages and our first workshop may start. I am used to synchronicity with some people, but the number of coincidences and synergies that are happening with Erdal is quite breathtaking. From A-Z, starting with the fact that by total coincidence he had visited me 10 years ago and helped me build my Earthship in India, to the fact that he lives just 12Km away from our land that we bought.. to our deep esoteric knowledge and cosmic connections, to our incredible and identical taste in music, and most importantly our hearts just connect on such a deep and profound level. I really did somehow land up in the perfect spot!
Erdal has 8 acres of beautiful fertile land here in Portugal, which has been lived on over several years in various ways. There are two cottages, a large kitchen and huge decking, as well as other unused deckings and a couple of caravans. It looks to me to be a most perfect place for us to build something as a first demonstration and test model. We could already host dozens of people for a workshop and have plenty of space to put up tents and camp out during any workshops.
Erdal and I are talking a lot and slowly getting to really know each other. The more we talk, the more that a collaboration makes sense.. and by helping Erdal with his vision to create healing spaces for others we will also make a huge step on the road to ecoVillages happening. No decisions have been made yet, but things are looking VERY interesting for a potential workshop happening this year! My original date to build was in August / September 2020, and for now I am going to hold onto that date! I really think it is possible!
On a personal note, it has been a real change! From the perfect world of Holland to the very rustic world of Portugal and off-grid living. There is so much for me to assimilate and integrate with everything i have known for 15 years turned on its head. As scary as it is, I welcome this massive change in my life and am letting go of many things and staying as open as i can to new opportunities.

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