The Two Futures - The Split Up Of The US


It is amazing how this world allows for multiple views, in fact, almost multiple different realities happening at the same time.

Back in the 80s and 90s, you had the height of 1st world life, while, supposedly, there were people starving in Africa. (It was in all the advertisements to get donations. But we never actually saw it) Two very different existences on the same planet.

They all have the same access to the knowledge of technology.

So, what gives?

The reality is that this planet of free choice exists for experiments in choice. And choice needs contrast. You really have to try both before you can make a choice. And so, these wild contrasts exist… existed

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The FAR left vs the far right

In America, a divide has formed. Been caused to form? Between the Repulsivekins and the Dumbocraps.

And the fascinating thing is that they see two different world. Their "facts" are different. These two groups do not believe in one set of facts with two views, they are actually seeing two different worlds.

Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams calls it the "one screen, two movies".

These two groups are not arguing over the same thing, they are arguing past each other. In fact, the left is coming up with new words, redefining the language, and so, soon, no communication will be able to happen. And then the Dumbocraps will feel they have won. And the Repulsviekins will be standing there like, what are they talking about?

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We are looking at break up of The US if this keeps happening. Actually, it can be said that it is already broken up. There are two groups who can't even have a conversation. They just exist within the same "country" right now.

The problem is, that each group wants to use the power of the state to enforce their views upon the other. Or, more appropriately, a group of psychopaths want to use all of this as a curtain to hide their nefarious plans by calling it left vs right. However, the Dumbocraps and the Repulsivekins have taken this propaganda to heart. They have embodied, taken to heart, the split.

Soon, we will see groups breaking off from the whole. They already do not see the same world. Their facts are even different. So, they will exist in two different bubbles. And then, they will probably break apart more.

I hope that there will be trade between the groups, or there will be a lot of suffering as people starve. The Dumbocraps hate the flyover states, they are repulsed by them, but they are where the majority of the food comes from.

And, in turn, the Repulsivekins have precious few ports. Are landlocked if the Dumbocraps really set up strict boarders. So, they can be choked off from the rest of the world.

I hope that clearer minds work at opening trade.

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Tolerance is what we actually need. And in the future, that will be the cornerstone of what we do.

Our groups will continue to break down. We will have small community (about 100 people) sized homestead / mostly self sufficient groups, dotted all over the map. And, we will have a saying about letting them live they way they want. We will also have strict barriers where we don't allow their ideas / attacks into our spaces.

And yes, that means that there may be kid diddling groups out there. And they will be allowed to exist. BUT! There will be NO child trafficking from any other groups. There will also be offers of help. And it will be real help, like providing the abused with guns, ammo and training to defend themselves.

After a while, no group, even internally, will be able to abuse their members or other groups. Defense becomes much better.

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In the short term, we are looking at two very different futures.

We will probably see 15 minute cities built around the blue cities.
And we will see homesteads popping up everywhere.

The two groups will live in wildly different worlds.

And the sociopathic controllers will live by themselves, because no other group will give them power. The giant state apparatus will fall apart from no one supporting it. Actually, they will probably be hunted down all over the world. Be dug up out of their bunkers for the destruction they did to us. The VAXXX, Hawaii, North Carolina

After that, we will start to work out trade from the ground up. Slowly, this will be a much better world. With each person getting their needs met / able to provide for their own needs.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.