Physics vs Metaphysics. How people long ago hid reality from everyone.
Long ago, the world was divided between the priests and the scientists.
The scientists would deal with the "physical" world
and the priests would deal with the "metaphysical" world.
The problem here is that there is no dividing line. It is a continuum between the solid to the aethereal to the spiritual.
The human body has seven major chakras. From the crown chakra connected to the spiritual, down to the root chakra connected to the Earth/physical. And five stages in between. The universe also has these layers. There is no place where the physical ends and the spiritual begins.
Even each atom has these seven layers in them.
Every atom is known by God.
And Modern Materialistic Scientists believe it is all about protons and neutrons, or below that quirks. So, what do you think that scientists find when they smash atoms apart? Are they really finding what makes atoms work? Or, are they destroying what they are seeking, in the process of their seeking?

The war between church and science
Basically, long ago, the priests/monks were the scientists. They were the clergy. They were the thinkers of that era.
Then along came Copernicus. Who said the Earth goes around the sun. While the Bible said that the Earth was the center. And thus began the war, that ended up with our realm divided in the domain of the priests, and the domain of the scientists.
Unfortunately, the scientists, removing God from their equations have failed, from the first step, to comprehend the world. This base assumption have forced them to choose the wrong path in study each time. It would be almost ok if they said that God might or might not exist, and so could have walked that razors edge, and discovered things that were true. But no, they believe the universe came into being from an explosion (except, what is the nothingness from which it exploded?)
Unfortunately, also, the priests held firmly to the teachings of the Bible. Not really comprehending that their base understanding of the language and translation, made it impossible for them to comprehend what was being said. Imagine that Earth is a realm, and not a planet. If you do so, you can make a lot more of the Bible make sense. However, if you start from the idea that Earth is a planet, and a planet is a giant ball of dirt, you come to all kinds of wrong conclusion. And, you think that you are following the words of the Bible, but do not realize that you do not even comprehend the structure that those words were written in.
And so, you have believers who are incorrect, and scientists who are incorrect. But, the masses think there is only the two choices. A very sad state to be in. Two groups yelling at each other, calling eachother stupid.

Scientific logic is not that logical
Science likes to claim that it is all logical, and stuff.
However, they only use a limited set of logic. Which is weird, because you can read the ancient greats, and learn so much more. Things like retroduction, etc.
Take the argument that God exists/doesn't exist.
Because we were given free will, this cannot be "scientifically" proven.
"You have the choice to believe, or not believe." Which is where our limited knowledge fails us. The correct statement is more like, "if you wish to seek for God, you may find him."
As you seek, so shall ye find
Or, in a different verbiage, you can draw back the veil and see that God is there. You can get to know God. You can have a personal relationship with God.
However, this is your journey, one that you must travel yourself. No one could do it for you, nor would anyone who has been, deny you that journey.
Science likes to claim that this structure means that God doesn't exist. Or, at the bare minimum, cannot be proven. And then they say that you are stupid for believing in God, that cannot be proven. But, these "scientists" are delusional, and are just attacking people because of their lack of comprehension.
When enough people have found God, the entire structure of science will change.

You and your relationship with God
Everything in this universe leads to God.
Psalms 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament sheweth his handywork."
When you look at the universe you see so much wonder. Forces, that if just a little stronger, or a little weaker, would destroy the universe in a crunch, or let it all fly apart.
When you look at the structures of bodies, you see things that are so complex that we haven't even taken in all the meaning of what is there. The eyeball, with a certain number of cones and rods, that allow us to see color. That very specific band of the EM spectrum, it really doesn't exist elsewhere on that scale. The complexity of the eye is truly stupendous. And we haven't even talked about the brain sub-processing system that gives an image to the brain of what is being seen.
There are many, many such structures that make one ponder in wonder how such came about. You may ask, was the eye made for the EM spectrum, or was the EM spectrum created for the eye? Both are valid questions. And if you look at the IR or the UV spectrums, you will see that they are not at all similar to the area we call color.
It is just magnificent, and there is so much more to learn, to explore, to see.
And in this journey, you are finding yourself closer to God. Understaning God through his handiworks.

In the future, there will be no separation between physics and metaphysics. There will be no separation between the study of God and the study of the world.
And we have so much to learn. Science has not figured out most of how things work, leaving only the edges to be filled in, but we truly know nothing. We haven't even worked out that there is multiple time-lines and multiple layers of our reality. And that opens us up to sooooo much more potentials. That our current physics is only about the base state, of PHYSICS in this local area.
When we truly learn that we are in a co-creative relationship with God/Universe, then so much stuff opens up to us.
Things make so much more sense.
Like, Karma goes from just a cautionary word, to an understanding or how cycles work and how we are a part of it.
I really look forward to the new science that is coming.
I wonder if we will call it something different? Will we start calling a laboratory a church?

Yeah and making bad karma sucks! What goes around comes around and back at one like a boomerang. Good post.