Money Is About To Change, and That Will Change How We Attract It
Today, we have debt based fiat currency.
So, when you ask the universe for more money, you may get more bills. Because those Federal Reserve Notes are bills. It is all very confusing to us, because we think of them as separate, but to the universe, debt is debt.
But, that is coming to an end.
We are waking up to just how bad the evil banksters are, and along with that, we will see how bad usury is, and how horrifyingly evil debt based, fractional reserve lent, fiat currency really is.
It will be placed in the law books above murder.
It is in fact, the root of huge amounts of death. It is the only reason we can have long lasting wars. It also makes everyone work harder than they ever should have had to. Because of the skimming operation that is money printing/inflation. So, it is actually putting many people in an early grave, directly and indirectly.
We will have solid money here in a few years.
We will have even better money in probably a half a century.
But, basically almost everything about our 1st world problems will go away after the banksters and their evil system is removed.

But, won't the banksters just take over the new system?
Actually what will happen is that the banksters try just that, and people notice, and tell them not to do that. Then they try anyway, and then they go to court and put on death row.
So, we will see the big corporations/banks try to buy up and control all the bitcoin.
And then, they will have to pay all their employees in bitcoin. And so their bitcoin cache will dwindle. Everything they wish to do will cost them bitcoin, and it will not flow back to them once it leave their hands.
Further, court judgements against them will have them giving their bitcoin back to the people. If they do not give it back, then they will stay in prison, with no access to the internet/bitcoin. Or, maybe the bitcoin community will block their accounts. It will be an everyone vs the banksters type future.
The money will start to flow from consumers to producers. And since banksters do not create anything, they will, at best, lose their money slowly.

The People Creating the Future
There are so many really good people, if, only they had the money, they would do this great thing, or that great thing.
Well, it is coming.
This is the greatest wealth transfer ever (in our history) and those people who feel moved by God to have gotten into crypto early will gain great wealth. Further, the world will open up so that they can use it with much greater effect.
Good people creating a sharing economy, or even just an actual free market economy will create far more wealth for all the people that work in this new system. If we do not have the skimming and the sucking of the bankster parasites, then as we make more, more efficiently, each person becomes more and more wealthy.
It is the difference between robots working in a factory owned by the banksters (the ole mine company store) and having all the people own robots who work for them, making each person's life better, and better.

You are not too late
Silver is going to through the roof. I suggest you buy what you can now. It will go to $1000s of dollars per ounce.
Bitcoin is going higher then we can imagine. And, really, now is a GREAT time to invest in bitcoin. You haven't missed out yet, there is far more upside, and now, the world has pretty much chosen bitcoin as the store of value. So, the risk is far lower than in the past.
Homestead and small communities will be the future. Cities will be abandoned. There will be very little that will still be done in a city. Commercial buildings, abandoned. Housing Tracts, empty. No restaurants, no services. They only thing that will still be is certain industries. Like chemical plants to make plastics, soaps, medicines… We will have community sized power plants, and internet everywhere on earth, and flying cars, so we really won't have any need to group up tight in cities.
Organic Farms will be the next really big thing. Locally produced food, that is not poison. People will be looking for it, and willing to pay more for it. The local organic farmer will be the next high paying profession.
These opportunities are here for good people. And it is very much easier to ask universe for more silver, bitcoin, and homesteads. These do not have the problem of confusion for the universe. And more, they will be ours, without taxes trying to take it all back from us. In the future, we will truly own things like we can only imagine right now.

When manifesting things into your future, it is so much easier if you can hold it.
Seeing yourself with more silver in your possession, is much simpler with a silver round in your hand. You can see it, you can feel it, and you can pull more to you. You can also go to your local coin store and acquire more with little resistance.
Bitcoin, if you already have bank accounts and such, you can easily purchase more bitcoin with Stripe and similar methods. As easy as using a credit card. And you can watch your numbers going up. And you can see yourself happy as your numbers go up. And this will help attract more bitcoin into your life.
With these items, there is so little blockages like there is in the old system. Where paper dollars are bills, which are similar to those things you dread to get in the mail. The dread, the worry, the fear of losing your money, all blocks your from attracting the old system "wealth"
The new system will bring more and more to good people.
And its best aspect is that it is very in alignment with the Law of Attraction.

I don't know about you but when I wrote about this subject, the AI put numerous articles in my news feeds about how good this inflation/debt is for people:
My arguments: where'd you get the money to lend and why is your amount of money higher than the government has because the government is the only entity allowed to print it up! Make coins!
How many individual people actually own a whole bond or more than one?
What about when treasury noted pay zero to almost no interest?
Et cetera...