Donald J. Troll

After the monumental collapse of the Parler platform, we saw the new Presidential page, we heard rumors about Trump’s competing Twitter-like platform, and even about the parallel Internet as Trump’s response to censorhip. Today we have… a spectacular anticlimax!
So, Trump’s platform was launched on March 24th, but somehow corporate media has missed the event. It was officially opened with a praise to David Shafer, Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party. It is powered by the Campaign Nucleus platform as the rumors were stating. But that is all. If you’ve expected something revolutionary, like decentralized Hive network, you are free to feel disappointed. The best this platform can do is – trolling Twitter and Facebook, since you do have buttons for sharing to those Big Tech monsters.
And yes, Trump used his chance to troll them, or for example Liz Cheney or Mitt Romney. However, you can’t take over power by trolling only. Is he an unfortunate victim of a believe in ‘democracy’ who took his role of POTUS too seriously? The Empire immediately let him know that he neither was a president nor can he hope for anything at the next election theater:
Even as President, Trump couldn’t bring at the key positions in his administration people who would be loyal to him. He appointed new Supreme Court judges and they have betrayed him. He appointed Gina Haspel (CIA) and Christopher Wray (FBI) and – you guessed it – they betrayed him. And with this ridiculous platform he certainly cannot protect those rare people who were really loyal to him, like for example Rudy Giuliani:
Duration: 24:15
This case confirms that there are no more US of A as the founding fathers imagined it. Republic is destroyed and replaced by corporatocracy. You can’t bring Republic back through the Centralized Hierarchical Political Matrix of corporatocracy by peaceful means.
Whether he was a mere fool or an Imperial actor in a puppet theater, Trump missed his chance.
Remember, if he was truly committed to the salvation of America, he would never let Julian Assange rot in jail…
Never forget that Julian Assange was one of those who took off the mask from the corrupted political system in the U.S.
* * *
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I was unaware that Parler had collapsed, but then again, I only looked at it briefly and never went back.
I did hear about the site Trump launched and went and had a look at it, it is nothing special really and i can't imagine that it cost very much to make. A lower level web designer can add "share" buttons to just about anything.
The people who bother to go to the new website probably already subscribe to DJT on Gab or Telegram anyway, so it seems kind of redundant.
It’s even worse than collapse, @dumb-news – Parler has become a part of the system:
From what I read yesterday it's not going to be his official website platform. He's building another, this one is supposedly just a platform Jared developed that rehashes statements he made while president.
No it was a stolen election and they are getting closer to proving it. It won't oust Biden out of the white house but it will prove all along that the democrats played dirty pool to oust him.
That was exactly my point, @sunlit7 – The Empire does not care of democracy, it’s a theater only. There is no point in proving the obvious. You need to dismantle the power that destroyed your democracy. And you can’t do it with a democratic means because – The Empire has destroyed them!