Running Benefits: 25 Reasons Running Is Better Than the Gym


First, a disclaimer: We love the gym. We love strength training with free weights and workout machines. And there’s tons of reasons you should do it whether you’re looking to build muscle, shed fat and calories, or simply amp up your overall health. But, the benefits of running make a pretty strong case for any guy to consider becoming a runner. From the aesthetic benefits to the mental perks, there’s a reason why so many people are addicted to hitting the pavement. While we’re not saying you should quit the gym (please don’t), we are saying you should consider taking up running, too. Here are 25 running benefits to consider.

  1. Running can help you live longer
    Runners live longer than those who don’t. In one Archives of Internal Medicine study, researchers followed about 1,000 adults (ages 50 and older) for 21 years. At the end of the study, 85 percent of the runners were still kicking it, while only 66 percent of the non-runners were alive. Yikes.

  2. Running can get you high
    The runner’s high is real: Mounting research, including one study published in Experimental Technology, shows that when we run, our brains pump out endocannabinoids, cannabis-like molecules that keep runners happy—and hooked.
    To read more about the benefits of jogging
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    [Men's journal]