Brainstorming, Storm in Brain... / Brainstorming, Sturm im Gehirn...

Deutsch im Anschluß...

Dear Pedro, aka @hefestus and dear @everyone,

thank you very much for the invitation to brainstorm... The promotion of art and artists is now a topic where I am sure to get into a rant, hence a separate post. I'd also like to kill a second fly with the same stone ;-))

You appeared here on the Steem like a primal force. In my perception, you were perfectly prepared, quickly made the right and important contacts and were welcomed with open arms. That's good. I say that without envy, because that's exactly how I felt almost four years ago. There was support right from the start, open readers who were willing to get involved with me. It worked ;-))

It's still going. With ups and downs, with sometimes more and sometimes less activity. And I haven't lost my enjoyment of the platform and the people here. But I have lost a good deal of my initial enthusiasm. Like you, I saw the endless possibilities for talented but underestimated authors. I saw the link between online presence and real life effects. I had such big ideas...

You know one of them. The Dream Steem book project, with which I wanted to make ‘our’ authors accessible to a broad offline readership. And I want to.

I have learnt from writers in Venezuela that it is almost impossible to get published there unless you have some government protection. I've learnt from Nigerian and Indonesian friends that hunger is not a good muse, that you can't really be creative under pressure and that art needs a relaxed space to grow. I've learnt from people that they don't necessarily realise how good they actually are at writing, drawing, designing...

I would very, very much like to lend them all a hand and contribute to their success with every conceivable support.

But. I've also got to know quite a few enormously committed Steemians who had exactly the same ambitions, who were incredibly dedicated and invested so much time that they ended up putting their health and relationship at risk. It's really easy to get lost here, you can get yourself down…

This is not the only reason why I have always drawn myself an inner red line that I don't want to cross. No, I don't have to forcibly publish a post every day. No, I don't have to constantly put in extra effort as a Community Curator - I'm willing to do so at healthy intervals and then I do a good job (better than if I were constantly on the merry-go-round ;-)) No, I don't have to promote the Dream Steem Community at all costs and take part in every campaign that is organised for outstanding support. No.

And so that you don't end up being one of those who sacrifice themselves and become old and bitter in trench warfare for promotion and recognition, I'll let you in on a secret. I am now certain that less is needed instead of more. Less actionism, less structure, fewer guidelines, fewer frameworks. True art prevails!

We create our readership with the way we write and what we write here. A painter or graphic artist presents his work in the best possible way and attracts interested parties. This, and only this, is how an organic art business can function. It is a selection, yes. According to criteria that are subject to a zeitgeist, social demands and trends. But this selection is necessary in order not to come across as arbitrary or irrelevant.

Such valuable works are not usually created in contests or writing courses. Art cannot be learnt. It can be perfected if the talent is there. And to do that, artists need freedom.

Let's not kid ourselves - these days it's all about financial freedom. You can't guarantee that with a few Steem. And sponsors for art, formerly known as patrons, have become rare (because people are generally worse off, their own worries are getting bigger and their wallets smaller and because art is no longer an absolute requirement for the masses...).

I feel privileged: because I don't have to make a living from my books. I've published a few, sometimes with more success and sometimes with very little. Because I was able to interest publishers in me. Because enthusiastic people have come to my readings and bought my books. With our TANDEMS, @ty-ty and I are following the same path. Step by step, without any hope of fame or fortune.

That's exactly what I would recommend to any artist: Promote yourself, communicate openly, generate followers. The rest will happen - or not. There should always be a plan B if the art remains unprofitable. That's one of the reasons why I'm a big supporter of the unconditional basic income, but that doesn't belong here…

I remember a good contact with @tezzmax, whose pictures I like exceptionally well. We were interested in two works, but failed because the insured shipping to Germany would have been more expensive than the pictures themselves. We are not rich... We then considered organising exhibitions for him in our area where he could present and sell his pictures in Europe. Here, too, we failed because no gallery owner was prepared to invite a Nigerian and thereby assume a guarantee for the duration of his stay...

These would be my two suggestions: if you have an appropriate structure in the background that could provide uncomplicated and affordable worldwide shipping of artworks and at the same time keep a base of exhibition venues, auctioneers and collectors available that would like to be an anchor for foreign artists, then you can really make a difference!

I no longer have the confidence to take on such large-scale projects. But if it doesn't put you off, I'd be happy to get involved as far as I can. I trust you to remain rational enough not to get carried away. I will warn you if I perceive anything to the contrary ;-))

And that brings me to the invitation from @sduttaskitchen - thank you too, Sunita, for your interest in my thoughts. I apologise for choosing this route and not taking part in the competition regularly (capacities are finite resources ;-))

Basically, the question is what I would do if I could be a member of the Steemit team. This is not the first time this question has come up, but my answer will always remain the same: I would delegate a very large part of my immense stake, in small portions. To Communities whose work I value, to individuals who are good at recognising talent, to projects that seem worth supporting. Yours, Pedro, would definitely be one on the shortlist ;-))

I would also attract investors (with high expected returns, with advertising potential, with reach...) whose deposits could also be used to increase the existing support fund - for the needy, people in distress, educational and social projects,...

Nevertheless: even if the Steemit team is the biggest stakeholder in the Steem pond, the masses here are us. And we have to move… Maybe @pedrobrito2004 or @solperez have something to add from their point of view? What can @ezuntimmy think of...?

Nightly greetings from Germany ;-))


Deutsche Version:

Lieber Pedro, aka @hefestus und liebe @alle,

vielen Dank für die Einladung zum Brainstorming… Die Förderung von Kunst und Künstlern ist nun ein Thema, wo ich gewiß ins Schwadronieren gerate, daher ein eigener Post. Außerdem möchte ich gleich noch eine zweite Fliege mit der gleichen Klappe erschlagen ;-))

Du bist hier auf dem Steem erschienen wie eine Urgewalt. In meiner Wahrnehmung warst Du perfekt vorbereitet, hast schnell die richtigen und wichtigen Kontakte geknüpft und wurdest mit offenen Armen empfangen. Gut so. Sage ich ganz neidlos, weil es mir vor knapp vier Jahren ganz genau so ging. Es gab Support von Anfang an, offene Leser, die bereit waren, sich auf mich einzulassen. Lief ;-))

Läuft immer noch. Mit Aufs und Abs, mit mal mehr und mal weniger Aktivität. Und ich habe meine Freude an der Plattform, an den Menschen hier, längst nicht verloren. Aber ein gutes Stück von meinem anfänglichem Enthusiasmus. Ich sah, wie Du, die unendlichen Möglichkeiten, die sich für talentierte, aber unterschätze Autoren bieten. Ich sah Verknüpfung von online-Präsenz und real life Effekten. Ich hatte so große Ideen…

Eine davon kennst Du. Das Dream Steem Buchprojekt, mit dem ich „unsere“ Autoren einer breiten offline Leserschaft zugänglich machen wollte. Und will.

Ich habe von Autoren aus Venezuela gelernt, daß es dort so gut wie unmöglich ist, von einem Verlag veröffentlicht zu werden, wenn man nicht gewisse staatliche Protektion genießt. Ich habe von nigerianischen und indonesischen Freunden gelernt, daß Hunger keine gute Muse ist, daß man unter Druck nicht wirklich kreativ sein kann und daß Kunst einen entspannten Raum zum Wachsen braucht. Ich habe von Leuten gelernt, daß ihnen gar nicht unbedingt bewußt ist, wie gut sie eigentlich schreiben, zeichnen, gestalten…

Ihnen allen würde ich sehr, sehr gerne eine Hand reichen und mit jedem erdenklichen Support zum Erfolg beitragen.

Aber. Ich habe auch etliche enorm engagierte Steemians kennen gelernt, die genau die gleichen Ambitionen hatten, sich unglaublich eingesetzt haben und Zeit investiert, daß sie am Ende Gesundheit und Beziehung auf‘s Spiel setzten. Man kann sich echt leicht verrennen hier, man kann sich fertig machen...

Nicht nur aus diesem Grund habe ich mir immer einen innere rote Linie gezeichnet, die ich nicht überschreiten will. Nein, ich muß nicht gewaltsam jeden Tag einen Beitrag veröffentlichen. Nein, ich muß nicht ständig als Community Kuratorin zusätzlichen Aufwand leisten – ich bin in gesunden Abständen bereit dazu und mache dann auch einen guten Job (besser, als wenn ich permanent im Karussell mitfahren würde ;-)) Nein, ich muß die Dream Steem Community nicht um jeden Preis promoten und an jeder Aktion teilnehmen, die für herausragenden Support ausgerufen wird. Nein.

Und damit Du am Ende nicht auch zu denen gehörst, die sich aufopfern und alt und verbittert werden bei Grabenkämpfen um Förderung und Anerkennung, verrate ich Dir ein Geheimnis. Mittlerweile bin ich sicher, daß es weniger braucht anstatt mehr. Weniger Aktionismus, weniger Struktur, weniger Vorgaben, weniger Rahmen. Wahre Kunst setzt sich durch!

Mit der Art, wie und was wir hier schreiben, schaffen wir unseren Leserkreis. Ein Maler oder Grafiker stellt seine Werke bestmöglich vor und gewinnt Interessenten. So, und nur so, kann ein organischer Kunstbetrieb funktionieren. Es ist eine Auswahl, ja. Nach Kriterien, die einem Zeitgeist unterliegen, gesellschaftlichen Ansprüchen und Trends. Aber diese Auswahl ist nötig, um eben nicht beliebig oder belanglos daher zu kommen.

Solche wertvollen Arbeiten entstehen normalerweise nicht innerhalb von Wettbewerben oder Schreibkursen. Kunst kann man nicht lernen. Man kann sie vervollkommnen, wenn ihre Anlagen vorhanden sind. Und um das zu tun, braucht Künstler Freiheit.

Machen wir uns nichts vor – heutzutage geht es dabei vor allem um finanzielle Freiheit. Die ist mit ein paar Steem nicht zu gewährleisten. Und Sponsoren für Kunst, früher gerne Mäzene genannt, sind selten geworden (weil es den Menschen generell schlechter geht, die eigenen Sorgen größer und die Brieftaschen kleiner werden und weil Kunst nicht mehr zum unbedingten Anspruch der Masse gehört…)

Ich fühle mich privilegiert: weil ich nicht von meinen Büchern leben muß. Ich habe einige veröffentlicht, mit mal mehr und auch mit sehr wenig Erfolg. Weil ich Verlage für mich interessieren konnte. Weil begeisterungsfähige Menschen zu meinen Lesungen gekommen sind und meine Bücher kauften. Mit unseren TANDEMS gehen @ty-ty und ich den gleichen Weg. Schritt für Schritt, ohne Hoffnung auf Ruhm oder Reichtum.

Genau das würde ich jedem Künstler empfehlen: Werbung für sich machen, offen kommunizieren, Follower generieren. Der Rest ergibt sich – oder eben nicht. Es sollte immer einen Plan B geben, falls die Kunst brotlos bleibt. Nicht zuletzt deswegen bin ich ein großer Befürworter des Bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens, aber das gehört nicht hierher...

Ich erinnere mich an einen guten Kontakt mit @tezzmax, dessen Bilder mir ausnehmend gut gefallen. Wir hatten Interesse an zwei Arbeiten, scheiterten aber daran, daß der versicherte Versand nach Deutschland teurer gewesen wäre, als die Bilder selbst. Wir sind nun einmal nicht reich… Wir erwogen dann, Ausstellungen in unserem Umfeld für ihn zu organisieren, wo er seine Bilder in Europa vorstellen und verkaufen könnte. Auch hier scheiterten wir, weil kein Galerist bereit war, einen Nigerianer einzuladen und dadurch eine Bürgschaft für die Dauer seines Aufenthaltes zu übernehmen…

Das wären meine beiden Vorschläge: wenn Du eine entsprechende Struktur im Hintergrund hast, die unkomplizierten und erschwinglichen weltweiten Versand von Kunstwerken leisten könnte und gleichzeitig eine Basis an Ausstellungshäusern, Auktionatoren, Sammlern verfügbar hältst, die ein Anker für auswärtige Künstler sein möchte, dann kannst Du tatsächlich etwas bewegen!

Ich traue mir heute nicht mehr zu, solche Großprojekte zu stemmen. Wenn es Dich nicht abschreckt, beteilige ich mich jedoch gerne inhaltlich und im Rahmen meiner Möglichkeiten. Dir traue ich zu, daß Du rational genug bleibst, um Dich nicht zu verrennen. Ich werde warnen, wenn ich Gegenteiliges wahrnehme ;-))

Und damit komme ich abschließend zur Einladung von @sduttaskitchen – vielen Dank auch Dir, Sunita, für Dein Interesse an meinen Überlegungen. Verzeih, daß ich diesen Weg wähle und nicht regulär am Wettbewerb teilnehme (Kapazitäten sind endliche Ressourcen ;-))

Im Grunde geht es da um die Frage, was ich tun würde, wenn ich Mitglied des Steemit Teams sein dürfte. Diese Frage ist nicht das erste Mal aufgetaucht, aber meine Antwort wird immer die gleiche bleiben: ich würde meinen immensen Stake zum sehr großen Teil delegieren, in kleinen Portionen. An Communities, deren Arbeit ich schätze, an Einzelpersonen, die gut sind im Talente erkennen, an Projekte, die unterstützenswert erscheinen. Deins, Pedro, wäre definitiv eins in der engeren Auswahl ;-))

Ich würde darüber hinaus Investoren locken (mit hohen Renditeerwartungen, mit Werbepotential, mit Reichweite…), deren Einlagen ebenfalls zur Erhöhung des bereits existierenden Unterstützungsfonds – für Bedürftige, Menschen in Notlagen, Bildungs- und soziale Projekte,… - verwendet werden könnten.

Dennoch: auch wenn das Steemit Team der größte Stakeholder im Steem-Teich ist, die Masse hier sind wir. Und wir müssen uns bewegen… Vielleicht haben @pedrobrito2004 oder @solperez aus ihrer Sicht Ergänzungen beizutragen? Was fällt @ezuntimmy dazu ein…?

Nächtliche Grüße aus Deutschland ;-))


Thank you very much for your contribution and thank you for your time writing such an extensive and thought out post. Obviously, I will take everything you say into account and, in the way, let you in on a secret too: I don't post everyday, either and I don't enter every competition. I have lots of life outside of steemit and I want to keep it that way, and that includes a huge historical book I'm writing. Another secret is I am an excellent manager of my own time and this is not, as they say, my first rodeo.
At this point I feel that everybody should show their interest or disinterest and, when I get enough input, I'll get a first draft produced.
And I won't leave this post forgotten either, because it contains lots of important information and valuable opinions.
I will persist to the end and the white paper will be concluded. After that... Let's see what happens.
Once again, thank you and have a good night,

Thank you,
@weisser-rabe, Ma'am, for allowing me to contribute to your content and for sharing your insights on the subject matter.

You accurately noted that the topic is frequently discussed; however, I would like to pose a question regarding how to approach the preparation of the same cuisine weekly while presenting it in diverse ways.

How can we facilitate understanding among family members that although the cuisine remains consistent, the presentation varies?

Furthermore, it is worth noting that sometimes our responses can transform commonly posed questions into unique inquiries.

I sincerely appreciate your willingness to assist others when the opportunity arises. As we previously discussed, I also find great value in supporting those in need. I believe that it is important to extend help to others rather than solely focusing on personal satisfaction. 💕 🫂
This is a candid reflection.

And a very good reflection too. Thanks for sharing. :)

You bring up an interesting topic, I was particularly drawn to the reference that hunger is not a good muse (at least for most people).

I was reminded of the old theory of the ‘Maslow pyramid’ (or hierarchy of human needs). In which it was indicated that each higher level of the pyramid depended on satisfying (at least to a sufficient extent) the conditions of the lower levels


I admit that there are historical cases of musicians, writers, painters, and other artists, who were able to create impressive and historical works despite being in very adverse conditions (whether due to illness, economic shortages, hunger or other causes). But, exceptional cases are not the rule of the common. In our case, the usual thing is that if our ‘base reality’ corners us, we have to put aside the pursuit of the upper level of the pyramid in order to fulfill the lower levels. We do that, or we endanger our own survival and that of the people who depend on us.

I confess that I have lost a lot of contact with the platform. And I have had personal reasons for this. So I was a bit surprised by the mention. I appreciate that, because it motivated me to think about it and write a response that would (at least) be worth reading.

Hi, nice to read from you... Yes, I had noticed that there is only ‘Check my latest fight’ from you... Too bad. I found your translation project exciting - and well done. Maybe Steem wasn't ready for it yet.

Thanks for reading. I was certainly sorry to put my translations aside, but I had to devote myself to other activities, I had to make sure the food was on the table (personal smile), which is very consistent with Maslow's theory.

On this side of the world, there are proverbs that point out very true things (although cruel or regrettable), such as: 'The urgent forces us to postpone the important'. Let me clarify, what we call urgent may not actually be something we want to put first on our to-do list, but it is inevitable.

What makes the idea in the previous paragraph regrettable is that it is quite true, and many people have examples in their own lives.

Hi @pedrobrito, I believe it was definitely worth the read and an excellent contribution to the theme. I will definitely be taking your opinion into account for my first sum up of opinions, which will come, at the most, during next weekend. I would definitily value your continuing atention and any further participation on this matter.
Thank you very much for your input and the time you spent on it.

In that case, it might help if you tag me when you want me to find out, because I'm actually kind of offline, but when I check, I usually see the posts and replies I'm tagged in 😀👍📝

GIF's Source

I will. Thanks.

Thank you @weisser-rabe for highlighting our horrific encounters, to burst your bubbles, it's now even more terrifying, I sometime tried to ship a piece to @wakeupkitty and the cost alone is more than what I charge as the artist and things like these often kill the interest of collectors and Art patrons.

By the way, I would be glad if you could help me with some email addresses of Art galleries around you in Germany, I would still like to approach them with exhibitions/residencies proposals. Thank you.

I'll make a list and send you per e-Mail (have stored your adress ;-))

Wow... I would really appreciate that. Thank you very much.

We create our readership with the way we write and what we write here.

You’re very right with this statement. For a lot of us, creating a niche that you can be identified with isn’t easy because a lot of great writers better than you are also there. So, in order to come out, you put your hands in other things to be seen.

I would delegate a very large part of my immense stake, in small portions.

This has always been one of my plans. If I decide to take another long break again. Before now, I had a lot of steem locked up in my SP but I didn’t really have much knowledge that if I delegate, I could still be earning in my absence. It was around 2021, I started to power down during the crypto boom. This is one of my reasons I’m always interested in @michelangelo post. I gain a lot of valuable knowledge about steemit and other tech stuff from him.

Indeed, life will always be a continuous and revolving process. I thought I had read the best articles on Steemit, I felt I have identified with the best writers until this day.

Permit me to drop maximum accolades as I wish to always read and learn from you. Thanks so much. With love from Me


We support quality posts and good comments Published in any community and any tag.
Curated by : @chant
