
You already asked the others in.
BTW: Don't confuse my fiddling around, testing out stuff as a power down, It's 100 SP and a test, not a plan.
The reasons for the white paper are the ones stated.
I like to start things when I see they don't exist. I also work hard at them.
I could only mention 7 users in the post, I selected them based on variety of opinions and geographical reach. Your divisive posture does not help to win other people over to supporting your projects. It's a white paper. It's supposed to provide guidelines. No project is in motion.
You are making several mistakes in judgement, including the idea that anyone wishes to stray away from the support to Art & Artists and the like. The idea is to make for a stronger structure of support, and that, needs to take into account all kinds of opinions. especially those you don't like.
I brought @afrog and @ty-ty in specifically for the brutal honesty in their opinions, which can be quite challenging to accept, as I have experienced before.
We can not and should not rely only on those who agree with us and definitely have to hear those who have not been involved, so we can understand their reasons.
This is a moment for calm and reflection, not for egotisms and accusations.
I expect you think about all of this process as a way forward and not as an intrusion into your space, because I'm really looking at you as a partner, not as an opponent.
Enjoy your Sunday,

Don't let yourself be unsettled, dear Pedro. That's just how people are. Not just on Steem. Especially those who have elevated themselves to lead others tend to behave this way. When someone else from the group comes along and proposes something new, they start defending a position that exists only in their imagination.

Don't make the mistake of believing that Steem is a joyful bunch of peace, joy, and cake! Everything seems friendly here because being unfriendly doesn't yield many rewards.

However, you do need a whitepaper if you want to form a group!
If you want to act in a legally secure manner, you must clearly define the key points of your project; otherwise, you will encounter problems when collecting donations. Everyone needs to know what you intend to do with the money. No empty promises or flattery will suffice; a hard-hitting whitepaper is required.

If machine wreckers believe that Perplexity is an enemy they must fight and exclude, they are welcome to forgo the help of AI. This doesn't make them worse than humans, but in the long run, it makes them less productive than those who approach AI with an open mind and let it assist them. If you have a whitepaper created by an AI, for example, you don't need to study what should be included in a whitepaper.

Don't be deterred by the numbers in Perplexity's example. As mentioned, it's just a rough example. The whitepaper will naturally become more precise and tailored when you adapt the question to your reality and formulate as many aspects as possible in your query to the AI.

As you can see, you quickly face headwinds when you stand out from the crowd. Every little thing becomes a devastating argument. Even the size of example amounts starts to play a significant role, although they were actually chosen arbitrarily.

Good luck my friend. By the way its true what this number-commentor No. 121219 said. I never was a member of any political or social group. Sorry, that's not part of my behavior environment. I never will act as a member of a group. Im always selfempowered.

I really appreciate you input and thank you for your time. Maybe it doesn't look so, but I do understand the complexities of dealing with people in all kinds of environments. In my life, I had the chance to manage groups of up to fifteen hundred with all the good and bad that comes with it. I also try to always do the right thing, as there is really no point in doing it in any other fashion.
If the others choose to misunderstand or fight my positions it's usually their loss, not mine, because I finish what I start, and I don't care for empires of the mind and am absoletely impervious to negativity. Since my days as an Officer in our Marine Corps, I have learned and practiced the way to go through very fast OODA loops, so, I'm usually one step ahead in eveything I do. If, at any point I feel it to be a loosing proposition, I just drop it, as I don't invest time in low probability outcomes. For now, I think that this is worth the effort and I still think that criteria must be set for this, as it doesn't make sense that everybody depends on the charity of a single individual or even a couple of them. Organization, clear rules and transparency are needed for such a project to get wider support.
Also, I didn't start anything yet and just made a proposal to develop a framework, and that, needs to be community based, even though some, may or may not use AI to help them consider what to contribute, I don't feel it to be my part to limit that, as long as the input is valid and helps this move forward.
In the end, there will be a project and I'm not planning to be leading it, as I expect that during this process of the white book procedures, someone to show up that demonstrates to the others that they have the characteristics, time and state of mind to lead this, and, still, won't be taking any lonely decisions because I don't like dictatorships. In a global and free enviroment like this, no one is entitled to act alone.
Also, the number commentator 12129 is me.
Happy carnaval monday,

Thank you.

Also, the number commentator 12129 is me.

Maybe I took the wrong number. I don't like these number accounts when they are speaking. Speak as Hefestus but not in the name of a whole community. I don't like community fences at all. Group formation is always a manifestation of demarcation and typically human petty-mindedness. But it is a good move to make more money. So I will think about a group for all the selfempowered amphibians on blockchain. Then I will earn more rewards.

Don't worry! It's just carnival here in Hanau. In carnival you can tell the truth.

You can always tell the truth, froggy... You may or may not like the consequences, but that is just what life is.
Carnaval here too, so, anything is possible because we're wearing masks that reveal ourselves.

Hi friend. I'm wearing a frog mask!

And, it's an excellent one, that does reveal you in many interesting ways.

first I asked Perplexity but it didn't know.
What are very fast OOPA cycles?

Es steht auf Wikipedia. Sehen:

Ach du liebes Lottchen. Das sag ich dem armen Bot!!!

Sorry. Too much threads. But I recorded the answers of the bot. Already writing about.

Thanks for calling this to my attention.

I will write a full article on it, but basically it's a model for combat decision first developed by an airman called John Boyd, and it means Observar, Orientar, Processar, Agir. That's portuguese, in English, I believe it is known as an OODA loop, Observe, Orient, Decide, Act. and these are the four steps towards combat decision, once you finish the Act phase, you go back to the first step. Usually, especially in air combat, where the model was first developed, the one further ahead in the cycle and with the fastest cycling through the phases will win the combat. It is a model that you can apply to decisions in any kind of dynamic situations and it's a very effective way to go around business decisions or decisions in any kind of project you are developing.

Actually, I believe I will change the text for the English designation, as it may be easier to search online.

Thank you for the explanation.
Very interesting: Perlexity doesn't know anything about OODA. But it want to know, what it means. Do you want to give him (the robot) your excellent answer or should I do it. Maybe you want to keep this AI as stupid as possible.

I would rather feed it my next article on the #ty-tyxhefestus series, as it will broadly explain what OOPA, or OODA cycles are.
I believe Perplexity can wait a few more days for that.

After I fed this AI bastard with your Wikipedia link, it denied having failed before. I am deeply disappointed.