How to deal with stress!

Stress is a state where one feels emotional/mental pressure. It is a state where one is engulfed by an overwhelming feeling of discomfort and restlessness.
Dealing with stress is among the worst nightmares of undergraduates.

Rushing every morning to secure a seat in the front row, copying notes, writing tests and term papers, burning midnight candles to get a high G.P.A, dealing with ruthless lecturer and struggling to maintain a steady income; campus life is full of stress.

Most undergraduates are responsible for their upkeep. They combine studies with an income-earning job just to make ends meet. You could imagine what their routine would be like.

Reports have shown that many undergraduates faints in exam halls. The invigilators always attribute this to fear of not knowing what to write but truth be told, most of the students faint out of stress involved in trying to cover the exam syllabus.

Signs of stress....

1: Aches and pains

2: Fatigue (exhaustion) and trouble sleeping.

3: Indigestive problems, etc.

There (3) main causes of Stress

  • MONEY: The pursuit for financial freedom!

  • WORK: Here, this includes other forms of activities* that doesn't have cash rewards such as school, and other humanitarian services. Stress is caused here when one exerts excess energy and doesn't have a proper rest, or eat balanced diet for replenishment of worn out tissues.

  • POOR HEALTH: When one is not healthy,there is tendency of being stressed. Any energy exerted wears you out, because your tissues and body system are vulnerable.


1: It causes emaciation (severe weight loss)

2: It causes depression

3: It leads to increased blood pressure

4: Stress, if not well managed leads to total breakdown of the body system.

Stress cannot be prevented. One is bound to be stressed out at some point or the other. The need to know how to manage stress properly now becomes paramount.


Below are some tips on how stress can be managed:

DRINK ENOUGH WATER: Learn to drink at least 3 liters of water a day. Water helps to calm your nerves and leaves you feeling refreshed.

FOLLOW YOUR TIMETABLE: Your life would be in chaos if you dont have a schedule. Draw up a timetable and adhere strictly to it. It prepares your mind to know what you are to face every day.

REST: No matter how tight your routine is, rest when you should. Staying up to read at night is good but make sure to get enough rest before morning.

EXERCISE: Exercise even if it is at let once in a week. It rids your body of accumulated toxins that might cause your body system to breakdown. It also clears your mind of depressing thoughts.

SET YOUR PRIORITIES: Know the things that needs urgent attention and attend to them. A term paper that would be submitted tomorrow should be attended to first before copying notes that would be returned by weekend. Don’t be in parties when you should be in night classes. Try as much as possible to avoid undue pressure.

As much as you can, eat enough food.
When you’re worked up, take an evening stroll with your earphones plugged on. It has such a calming effect.

Don’t involve yourself in unhealthy competition. It would wear you out mentally.

SUPPLEMENTS: when the body lacks certain nutrients, supplements could be used to boost up that nutrient..., This in turn strengthens the body and improves your general well-being.


Lastly, did you know that having fun, chilling with friends and being happy is a way of reducing tension in the body, and being stress free? All work no play makes jack a dull boy.

  *In conclusion*, Health is wealth, Health is gold.

It is important you take care of your body,eat properly, and balanced diet too...and finally make rest a priority so as to always remain at the peak of your abilities.

I wish you all a stress-free ahead.
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