Talent: The priceless and unique diamond in us by @jerryivan

in CampusConnect4 years ago (edited)

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Hello my Fellow steemers, It's another edition on steemit.
I want to talk about talent as it is called in some Nigeria languages like the Igbos call it "Akaraka", the yoruba's call it "Ebun", the Hausa's call it "Sadaka" e.t.c, it is called "treasures" for the purpose of this literal work.
Every individual whether male or female must know how to make proper good use of his or her endowed/embedded talent to achieve greatness.
In life, whether we are educated or not, beautiful or ugly, short or tall, white or black, able or disable we are all gifted with one talent or the other.
At times for some person's their talents lifts them faster than their education predigree. Many people have gone a long way because of their talent. If you must succeed and become somebody in life never you undermine your talent.
There are some people in our generation that has made it because of their talents. For examples some people might speak good English better than Lionel Messi and Christiano Ronaldo but the truth is that both Messi and Ronaldo are world famous and professional footballers, the football talent in them took them round the world of which nobody talks about football without mentioning them.
Lionel Messi on the other hand might not have carried out or done Research or to be educated as Isaac Newton to write his name on the marble but football made him famous in the world.
Your talent is always available, it's in you , make out your desire from it because,

  1. Your talent moves around with you.
  2. Your embedded talent in you, if you use it positively it can make you eat and drink with great men and women.
  3. It is what you have in your hand to archive greatness.

The Ant 🐜 neither use GSM nor automobile but they can still make life meaningful and feed themselves comfortably.

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One of the Ant can make a move in search of food particles where it discovers a food particles it try to carry it to where others are, but if the food particles are too much or heavy for the Ant, it goes in search of helpers (others) to help it out.


Then within a few minutes a chain line of ants is form along where the food particles are, they all together will lift the food particles to their place of abode, that's worthy to note
It takes one ant to discover the food particles for such chained line festivity to be.
That is why for us today it takes you to discover your talent and use it for kings, queens and all to celebrate you.
Thanks for reading, hope to get your response.

To the attention of @whitestallion @vectorshore @starrchris @brightobias @ngoenyi
