Campus Connect Weekly Contest - Week 13 - My best Day on Campus
Hello friends and welcome to campus connect community weekly contest edition, this week marks the 13th week of our weekly contest and we have an exciting contest for everyone in campus connect.
- For this weeks contest we are calling on all participants to tell us about their best day on campus. What made this day particularly remarkable and fitting to be referred to your best day on campus.
We will love to your spectacular entries.
Contest Rules.
You must be subscribed to campus connect community.
You must join the Campus Connect curation trail
Your entry must be creative with no trace of plagiarism
Your entry must not be less than 300 words.
Be creative because we want to enjoy reading your entry.
Drop a link to your entry as a comment on this post.
Use #week13contest as one of your first five tags.
- Participants must not be powering down and should maintain a good #club5050 record
This contest will run for the next 7 days until this post pays out, 9th Novembwer 2021
We are looking forward to seeing your quality and original content
Reward Structure
Ranking | Prize |
1st | 10 steem |
2nd | 8steem |
3rd | 7steem |
4th | 3 steem |
5th | 2 steem |
Special thanks to @steemcurator01 and @steemcuratoro02 for the continuous support. We remain forever grateful

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Everyone of us have some great experiences on campus which is still remarkable in our hearts. It'll be my joy to read enteries and also participate in this great contest.
We anticipate your entry
There will be facinating experience indeed.
This contest gives us the chance to see the great and funny experiences that students have. It is a good initiative and I trust that the contestants have alot in store for us. I would love to go through the entries and even participate whenever I get the chance.
My rival😏
Of course, we look forward to read your entry.
I have many memories on campus and I don't know which one to choose.
We want to hear them. Let's go
Wow...this looks interesting.
Perhaps, I will have an entry for this one.
Because I have experienced many fun-filled days in school😩🤓, so I just have to pick one..😊.
We steem on..
Lets go, I look forward to your entry.
This contest is so lovely, have so many memories to put on, and will be willing to see other people's post
Let's go 🚀🚀
My university is so full of trouble.. I don't even know if I have a memorable day. Nice contest. Thank you @campusconnectng for hosting this contest
Perhaps your could relate some of the crazy experiences with us.
@campusconnectng Campus Connect Weekly Contest || Week 13 || My Best Day On Campus My entry
My stay in University has been more of unnecessary suffering due to the failing syetem. I can't even remember the last time I had a nice day around here.
Good work @campusconnectng
Happy to see the community growing, more heights fans.