Recipe : Delicious Crab Noodles

in Steem Entrepreneurs3 months ago

Assalamualaikum Sahabat Entrepreneurs..
Today I am back with a delicious and appetizing recipe creation. I use a pair of crabs as the protagonists in instant noodle dishes and combine them with a mixture of vegetables and typical Aceh noodle spices or better known as curry spices.

Who is not tempted by crabs?, this is one of the most delicious and very tasty seafood dishes. Especially when a pair of crabs are seen making love on a plate, I'm sure our appetite will struggle 🤭🤤


Okay, I will share this recipe in full detail with the ingredients and how to cook it..


  • 2 medium-sized crabs, clean.
  • 1 pack of instant noodles
  • 1 tablespoon of curry seasoning
  • Bean sprouts
  • Celery
  • Tomato
  • Lime

How to make:

  • Heat a frying pan, boil the crab until boiling.


  • Add the spices, then stir slowly and evenly.


  • Add the bean sprouts and tomatoes. (You can also add other vegetables according to taste)


  • After boiling, immediately add the instant noodles and seasoning, don't forget the oil.
  • Cook until cooked or about 5 minutes over medium heat. Use a pan lid if available.
  • Finally, add the celery leaves.


  • Turn off the stove, then serve on a plate.
  • Arrange the layout or decoration of the crab so that it looks beautiful and can attract the appetite of visitors.





I use Bangka crab in this dish. However, the taste is not much different from the type of sea crab. Both have almost the same taste. Delicious, savory and naturally sweet. has a distinctive and special aroma with a soft meat texture that is absorbed when bitten.

Bangka crabs usually have a darker color, the color is not always the same depending on the habitat of the crab. Some have a brownish yellow and yellowish green color.

Another thing is with sea crabs that have contrasting colors and are brighter and cleaner. This is influenced by the condition of the sea water which is cleaner and clearer compared to river water or swamps where Bangka crabs live in their habitat.

So, what do you think?,, are you interested in the recipe that I share? .. What are you waiting for,, follow the instructions and steps that I have shared and you will get satisfying results. This is an easy and very practical recipe,, I hope you enjoy it 🤗

Thank you very much for visiting my blog, and see you in the next recipe creation 👌


All images are mine



 3 months ago 

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 3 months ago 

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Status Club100
Tag #steemexclusive
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Support of #burnsteem26
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Review dateNovember 20, 2024

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Steem Entrepreneurs Team

I love noodles too and this one you made is very inticing

I hope you bring more of this.
I love this recipe.

 3 months ago 

Terima kasih banyak atas verifikasi anda,
Salam sukses selalu untuk semua..

 3 months ago 

Waw @Chefdanie... Your cooking really arouses my appetite when I see the photos you share. I really want to eat those crab noodles now.😇

 3 months ago 

Terima kasih banyak atas apresiasi anda,,
Saya pikir anda dapat mencobanya di rumah.. Resep ini sangat mudah dan praktis

 3 months ago 

Benar sekali... anda menjelaskannya dengan sangat baik. Terima kasih