Winners announcement of December contest #1 by sduttaskitchen|Significance of Entertainment!
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Greetings, everyone
Here is the time to announce the winners of the second contest of November that was announced by methe-december-contest-1-by-sduttaskitchen-or-significance-of-entertainment |
This time, I got an opportunity to read various perceptions related to the subject;
I shared my opinion through comments! I am happy some friends have shown interest to participate in the contest;
And for that, I want to show my gratitude.
However, before announcing the winners, I would like to compliment each participant;
who took the contest thoughtfully and participated.
Hashtags | #sdk-dec1, #entertainment |
Total number of entries | 24 |
Number of Valid entries | 23 |
Number of Invalid entries | 01 |
Club Status | Number of entries |
Club5050 | 14 entries. |
Club75 | 02 entry. |
Club100 | 06 entries. |
No Club | 02 entries. |
Anyhow, three outstanding content winners were selected among all entries;
I can't nominate mods that would be out of the regulation in our community.
| Position |
@jozef230 | Post link | 6 Steem | ![]() | |
@munaa | Post Link | 5 Steem | ![]() | |
@yourloveguru | Post Link | 4 Steem | ![]() |
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- Author:-@jozef230
- Club Status-#club100
- Country- Poland
ROZRYWKA... W wieku 40 lat troszke inaczej patrze na rozrywke. To juz nie te czasy koedy czekalem na kazdy weekend zwby wyjsc na impreze i porzadnie zabalowac😀 Czesciej tez chodzilem do kina i gralem w pilke nozna czy siatkowke. Wszystko sie zmienilo..
To jest moj swiat i moja rozrywka. Boks i sala treningowa. Mysle ze w obecnych czasach powinnismy duzo poswiecac sie dla sportu. Nie wazne zy grasz w pilke, plywasz czy chodzisz na spacer. Najwazniejsza jest ucieczka od ekranu smartfona i zaklamanek telewizji. Kino i teatr to troszke inna rozrywka. Spotykamy sie z przyjaciolmi, jestesmy wsrod ludzi.
Duzo sie smieje. Trzeba miec dystans do siebie. Czasami proste rzeczy pomagaja nam przezyciezyc stres. Niedlugo mija rok kiedy dopadla mnie depresja. Zmiana pracy, utrata zdrowia. Otoczenie bliskich osob pomoglo mi wyjsc z dolka.
While reading the content I smiled, laughed and simultaneously learned how we all ought to pass the hard time from our friend! He cited in the above lines that at the age of 40;
He glanced at the word entertainment in a distinct pattern.
Still, he waits for the weekend but earlier, he went to the cinema more often and played football or volleyball.
What an amazing note our friend conveyed in the above, to keep himself away from the smartphone, he went to the Boxing and training room;
Sometimes, he went to swim, walk and also play football.
According to his perspective;
Nowadays, sports are sacrificed by the youth. Besides that, he also explained how he had overcome his time when he was yielded his job!
Excellent job was done my friend and for that, I nominated this post in the top position. But let me say age is just a number, my dear friend.
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- Author-@munaa
- Country- Indonesia
- Club Status-#club75
Since getting the doctor's verdict, I have reduced sleeping late or staying up late. I also reduced working until late at night. On weekends, avoid workload as much as possible. Then focus on family. Vacation to the beach, and mountains and bathing every weekend.
Gradually, the pressure began to decrease. Although not completely gone. Then, I continued to get used to pampering myself with fun things. One of the other efforts I made to overcome stress was gardening. I planted vegetables in the side yard of the house. With kale, celery, chilli, mango, cucumber, spinach, tomatoes, turmeric to ginger, I forget all the fatigue in the world of work.
Another piece of gem I found! What an innovative way of entertaining himself he cited above! Besides that, he also shared some daily discipline that he pursues because of some toxic health issues!
The way our friend's entertainment will enable our mother nature to grow;
In this global warming that would be impactful for our planet;
Hence, I picked this post in my winners' list.
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- Author-@yourloveguru
- Country- India
- Club Status-#club75
Nowadays life is full of stress. People are facing mental trauma and taking medicine for High BP because of stress, so entertainment is very necessary in the Lifestyle.
My life is full of stress. I use music therapy to overcome my stress. Music is a stress buster for me always. I am very fond of music. Even, though I like to sing a song too, it was my dream to become a singer but unfortunately, it has remained incomplete. But I am a music lover.
Music, indeed is a great way to entertain ourselves and overcome stress! I can feel our friend's perspective well as I stay alone! However, I hope your wish to become a singer will come true one day; Because there is no age or boundary to chasing our dreams; The reason is evident, why I nominated this post as one of the winners.
I hope those who participated in the contest enjoy the subject, and I hope in the future;
A few more friends would come to participate in our upcoming contests.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading our friend's viewpoints and creations related to the topic.
Congratulations to all the winners.
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Stay Tuned with our Incredible India Community, and continue your journey by sharing various quality content. |
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যে সকল ইউজার এই সুন্দর প্রতিযোগিতায় বিজয়ী হয়েছে তাদেরকে জানাই অভিনন্দন ও শুভেচ্ছা। এবং অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ আমাদের এডমিন ম্যাম কে সুন্দর একটি রিপোর্ট শেয়ার করার জন্য।
Thank you ma'am to choose me as winner. Actually when I was writing this article, I was in huge stress but show must go I wrote with full of dedication. I am very thankful because this time I am facing financial crises and , your support means a lot to me. Thanks that you praised my work.
Thank you Ma'am, congratulation to all
Congratulations to all the winners🏆.
অভিনন্দন সবাইকে।
Good day
Wow you guys really keep it active don't you? What a great idea and initiative to empower and engage however is it just for India and how do users get verified?