It's easy to hurt anyone but challenging to make others smile!

in Incredible India13 days ago


It was just like any other day, and at 11:30 in the morning, I was fulfilling my community responsibilities. As usual, the television was on, and a few words caught my attention, prompting me to see who was speaking.

I was watching a repeat telecast of the Oscar 2025, and to my surprise, the well-known comedian Conan O'Brien was hosting the show!

Immediately, his title resonated with me, and I captured a few moments of his inspiring performance.

Standing in front of a crowd and performing is a true challenge; there are no cuts like in film shooting!

It’s easy to criticize from the comfort of our couches whether it’s about games, acting, or hosting. The reality is that maintaining composure in front of an audience is a significant challenge!

Playing to uphold a country’s prestige is no small responsibility.

Hosts often use humour about themselves, but sometimes those jokes can come back unexpectedly.

Let me share a real-time story from India. Shah Rukh Khan, a renowned Hindi film actor, was hosting an award show. In the spirit of fun, he asked fellow actor Neil Nitin Mukesh, “Please tell me, where is your surname?”

Neil's name bears the legacy of his father and grandfather, both great singers. Though his grandfather had passed many years prior, asking about his surname on such a public stage troubled Neil, igniting his anger. He stood up and addressed Shah Rukh directly, expressing his discontent.

Despite the tense moment, Shah Rukh Khan handled the situation with grace;
And the audience grasped the seriousness of what had occurred.

Yet, this did not deter Shah Rukh Khan from continuing to host award shows. This illustrates true courage; some people mask their real emotions with smiles.

Our choice of words holds immense power. Often, we unknowingly cause pain that lingers within us.

Those blessed with a good sense of humour may carry hidden struggles, but as the legendary Indian actor Raj Kapoor famously said,

the show must go on!

Life reflects this notion; if today does not favour you, tomorrow will surely bring joy. That hope becomes our inner strength.

Individuals are better equipped to understand and relate to emotions when they have experienced similar circumstances.

If one is unable to elicit joy in another individual, it is prudent to refrain from being the source of their distress.


While provoking emotional responses may seem relatively straightforward, the work of comedians such as Charlie Chaplin and Conan O'Brien is markedly more challenging, requiring a greater level of skill and artistry.

The value of transparency should not be underestimated; however, it is essential to consider the potential harm it may cause to others. In instances where one can contribute to bringing smiles to others, a degree of diplomacy may be justified. What is your perspective on this matter?



 12 days ago (edited)

কথা বলার সময় শব্দের প্রতি আমাদের সচেতনতা খুব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। অনেক সময় আমরা হাসতে-হাসতে এমন কিছু বলি, যা অন্যের হৃদয়ে গভীর আঘাত দিতে পারে। তাই, আমাদের কথা বলার সময় অনেক কিছুই ভেবে চিন্তে বলা উচিত। আমাদের কথা যেন কেউ কষ্ট না পায়।
শাহরুখ খানের উদাহরণ সত্যিই হৃদয়গ্রাহী, কারণ শাহরুখ খান আমার খুব পছন্দের একটি নায়ক। যেখানে হাসির মাধ্যমে একটি ভুল বা অস্বস্তি তৈরি হতে পারে, সেখানে তার আচরণ ছিল খুবই প্রজ্ঞাময়। তিনি বুঝে গিয়েছিলেন, একবার ভুল কথা বললেই কাউকে আঘাত দেওয়া সম্ভব, এবং সেই আঘাতের ফলাফল দীর্ঘমেয়াদী হতে পারে।এত সুন্দর একটা পোস্ট আমাদেরকে উপহার দেওয়ার জন্য আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ দিদি।

Greetings, darling, are you by any chance interested in joining a healing team for the month of April? Este es mi discord: #solperez5183

Your post from Team6 has been curated by @radjasalman.