Incredible India monthly contest of March1 by @tanay123 | Family |
Assalalmu alaikum
I am @saifuddinmahmud from Bangladesh. I am very excited to join the contest.The contest organized by @tanay123. I hope everyone will like my post.
We all live with family. Everyone has a family. The identity of any person is expressed through his family. So family is a great contribution. It is a place of joy, sorrow and emotions.
Question: What is your perspective on the word Family? Is it just a word or is it than that?
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From Canva
Family is one of the most profound and tender words to every human being. Since ancient times it has denoted an organization formed by marriage or adoption. But actually its meaning is much wider Family is a medium that includes close friends, mentors. These can include someone who expresses love, support and a sense of belonging. In addition, family represents connection, responsibility and care. It is a source of identity and strength. But it can also be complex and challenging for different people. The beauty of this word is that it evolves with a person's own experiences. Usually some people find family in their relatives, some in their community and some in unexpected places. "Family" is not just a word but much more than that. It is a feeling, connection and experience that forms between us. It carries peace of mind, love, belonging. Some define family by blood relations, while others find it in friendships, mentors or community. Its a community that you can share your happiness and burdens. You can get support when you fall in any depression. You find help when you face any problem. So family is not just a word its based on human connection. Its a bond which never be unbreakable and transformative.
Question: How can one fulfill one's responsibilities towards ones family?
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From Canva
Every one should complete responsibilities towards their femilies.This is requires a balance of love, effort, and commitment in a family. Your responsibilities like this.
Helping a family member when they are in danger. Empathize with them in their suffering.
Spending money on the back of the whole family. To support them financially.
Valuing and respecting everyone in the family equally.
Spending quality times with them. Share happiness and joy with them.
Show forgiveness and kindness infront of family members.
Provide medicine when they are sick and take care of them.
Question: Share stories some of the beautiful moments spent with them!
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They love to spend time with me when I go home from office. So I always give them time. Play with them, make them happy, cheer them up.
I take them for a walk on weekly days off. As a result, they are very happy. Boredom is removed. Family bonds are stronger.
Thanks to everyone who read my post. Take care of yourselfers. I hope everyone like my post.
I invited three of my friends
আপনি একেবারেই ঠিক বলেছেন পরিবার শুধুমাত্র একটা শব্দ নয় বরং এটি হচ্ছে আমাদের সবচাইতে ভালো রাখার একটা স্থান যেখানে আমরা নিজেদের মত করে চলতে পারি প্রতিটা মানুষের উচিত তার পরিবার নয় শুধুমাত্র তার স্ত্রীর প্রতিও দায়িত্ব পালন করা কারণ একজন মানুষের ভালো-মন্দ বিচার করা পরিবারের সাথে ভালো সময় কাটানো এ বিষয়গুলো মাথায় রাখা উচিত প্রতিযোগিতার প্রতিটা প্রশ্নের উত্তর এত সুন্দর ভাবে উপস্থাপন করার জন্য আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ।