Incredible India monthly contest of February #2| Do you believe behind every successful man, there is a woman?
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Greetings and welcome to my participation for this exciting contest on if I believe behind every successful man, there is a woman?. Well you can also participate on the contest and share your views on it. Without delay, let's go into it proper.
Do you believe the proverb behind every successful man; there is a woman? Explain! |
This at first got me thinking, but then there is some truth to it. First, this doesn't mean that a woman is the only reason a man succeeds, but rather that a woman definitely play a big role.
Think about it this way, a successful man needs support, encouragement, and organization in his life and that is where the woman comes in. She might be his wife, his mother, his sister, or even a close friend. She might be the one who keeps him grounded, reminds him of what is important, and helps him stay focused on his goals.
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The saying doesn't necessarily mean that the has to be directly involved in his work, but then she might just be there to cheer him on, pick him up when he is down, and make sure he is taking care of himself.
Then again, in the grand scheme of things, a man needs a woman to bring him to this world after all, is it not? So yeah, I see some truth to that saying after all. Having in mind that it is not about needing a woman to succeed, but rather about having a strong support system that helps us reach our full potential.
How can we remain balanced in our relationship? |
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Staying balanced in a relationship not a single angle affair as it requires all parties involved because it is like keeping a seesaw level where both parties need to put in the effort to make sure it is even. However, we can remain balanced in our relationships if we learn to;
Give and Take:
A balanced relationship is not about one person always giving and the other always taking. It's about finding the happy ground where both parties feel heard, respected, and valued.
Communication our feelings:
Talking openly and honestly about our needs and expectations is super important to balancing out relationships as this will both parties navigate the ups and downs together.
Respect Boundaries:
Everyone needs their space, whether it's time alone or pursuing their own interests. Therefore, respecting each other's boundaries keeps things healthy and prevents one person from feeling smothered.
In this life, I have learnt that we won't always agree on everything, but then, that's okay! Because finding compromises and being willing to meet each other halfway shows that you care about the relationship.
In all, remember that a balanced relationship is a two-way street and it is about being there for each other, supporting each other's dreams, and having fun along the way.
Do you think in the modern era, men and women should get equal respect, opportunity and recognition everywhere? Share your viewpoint. |
Of course! It's 2025, and it's about time we all got treated equally. Trust me, this is not about men versus women, it's about everyone having the same chance to succeed and be recognized for their talents and hard work. After all, we all have brains, heart, and dreams. So then why should someone be held back just because of their gender?
It is about fairness, opportunity, and respect to which everyone, no matter their social status, colour or gender deserves to be judged based on their character and abilities, not on their gender because it is all about creating a world where everyone can reach their full potential.
So yeah, equal respect, opportunity, and recognition for everyone is the way to go. It's just common sense for me.
I want to take this opportunity to invite @cruzamilcar63, @ikwal and @ruthjoe.
Thank You for your Time
NOTE: Always have a smile on your face, as you are never fully dressed without one.
Thank you team 5 and @memamun for the support. I really appreciate 🙏🏻😌
একজন পুরুষের সফলতার পেছনে একজন নারীর ভূমিকা কতটুকু সেটা আপনি চমৎকারভাবে আমাদের সাথে শেয়ার করেছেন আসলে এটা অনেক পুরুষ অস্বীকার করে আমার কাছে মনে হয় অস্বীকার না করে সত্যিটা স্বীকার করে নেয়াটা অনেক বেশি প্রয়োজন কারণ একজন পুরুষের সফলতার পেছনে হয়তো বা তার মা আর নয়তো বা তার স্ত্রী অবশ্যই থাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ প্রতিটা প্রশ্নের উত্তর এত সুন্দর ভাবে উপস্থাপন করার জন্য ভালো থাকবে।