Incredible India monthly contest of February #2| Do you believe behind every successful man, there is a woman?

in Incredible India6 days ago


Man are created as the head of the family, Head can not be in isolation as such there must be supporters, in other words there must be a woman behind the scene that is making the head functional hahaha.

Do you believe the proverb behind every
successful man
there is a woman? Explain!

I believe in this saying , like we know no man is an island that's why God created everything male and female. Woman in this idiom is not specifically the wife ,it can be the mother or any female around the man. Here we acknowledge the strength every woman puts out there rendering support to the man. If a man is not having peace of mind from his woman there's high tendencies that the concentration level of the man will be limited. For a man to be successful he needs that peace of mind from the wife.

Caring and supportive. Women are very emotional and supportive, when a woman feels the pain and burden of her man , showing him support in all ramifications the success of the man will be attributed to the woman showing the care and support .

A successful man needs that woman that he can lean on her shoulder to revive the lost strength. They need that woman that can hear them out and make them feel happy.

How can we remain balanced in our relationship?


Balancing relationship is a two-way thing which boils down to the man and the woman understanding each other's feelings and emotions.

Knowing when and how to communicate effectively. A balanced relationship can be traced to good communication as such it very very important for man and woman to be open to each other.

Sharing responsibilities. There's joy and peace in the house when there's no kingship in any relationship, this is where man and woman shares their responsibilities in order to lessen the burden from one person's shoulder.

Flexibility. In a balanced relationship there must be flexibility among the man and the woman , everyone should be able to make amendment that fits each other.

Individual growth must be encouraged, there's joy when man and woman who are into a relationship allowed themselves to grow their interest without restrictions. This is done by encouraging each other .

Do you think in the modern era, men and women should get equal respect, opportunity and recognition everywhere? Share your viewpoint.


Women are human created same way men are being created the segregation or disrespect to women is a No to me. I believe especially in this modern era that men and women should be given equal right and respect.

There are things a man cannot do perfectly well without the help of a woman . Woman are the feature hope of every nation that is why they should be treated equally with the men.

If women are allowed to participate or given recognition anywhere it will prompt healthy environment for everyone.

It's the right of every woman to be recognized anywhere so they should be seen and be heard as well given the opportunity.

There are still cultures who are holding these men been the head mentality so high making women look less human. I think there's need for rapid sensitization for them to deviate from such barbaric thinking and beliefs.

I call on my friends to participate here is the link to the contest click @bossj23 @lhorgic @realitytrend.


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Do you know what interests me in this post? You used a fitting cover image though your husband would have been in front so it would match...Behind every success man 😁. Anyways, as a single person, I've learnt 3 things from your post. One of such is that women shouldn't be sideline as their contributions can impact a lot of things in life. I'm impressed. What do you say @forywis09?

 4 days ago 

Hahahahaha,you are very funny I'm happy you liked my post. Cheers.

wah teman saya sangat setuju dengan pendapat anda tentang dibalik sukses nya pria pasti ada seorang wanita yang spesial dalam hidupnya dia memberikan support kepadanya semoga sukses teman untuk kontes nya

 3 days ago 

আপনার সাথে অবশ্যই আমি সহমত পোষণ করছি আপনি ঠিকই বলেছেন এখানে নারী বলতে শুধুমাত্র স্ত্রী নয় একজন মাও হতে পারে একজন পুরুষের সফলতার পেছনে তার মা কিংবা তার স্ত্রী আবার কারো ক্ষেত্রে দেখা যায় তার কন্যা সন্তান অনেক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করে।

এ পৃথিবীতে প্রতিটা মানুষের যদি সমান অধিকার হয়ে থাকে তাহলে এই পৃথিবীর আরো অনেক বেশি উন্নত হবে আর তাই আমার মনে হয় প্রতিটা মানুষের এই বিষয়গুলো মাথায় রাখা উচিত এবং সফলতা অর্জন করার ক্ষেত্রে যারা আমাদের পেছনে অবদান রাখে তাদেরকে সব সময় মনে রাখা উচিত অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ প্রতিযোগিতার প্রতিটা প্রশ্নের উত্তর এত সুন্দর ভাবে উপস্থাপন করার জন্য ভালো থাকবেন।