Winners announcement Incredible India monthly contest of November #1| Definition of a great leader!

in Incredible India3 months ago

Greetings, everyone
We are here to announce
the winners of our monthly contest on November#1, 2024.


Before announcing the winners, we would like to compliment each participant;
who took part in this contest.

Hashtags#mimcontest-nov1, #great-leader
Total number of entries16
Number of Valid entries13
Number of Invalid entries03

Club Status
Number of entries
Club505013 entries.
Club7501 entry.
Club10000 entry.
No Club02 entries.

The number of entries is smaller;
However, obeying the quality criteria, we selected three winners.

User Id


Post Link

Prize amount


First position
Post link8 Steem
Second Position
Post Link7 Steem
Third Position
Post Link5 Steem

Reason behind selection:-

Un excelente líder es el que se alegra por el triunfo y logro de otros, es el que con palabras sabias y buenos consejos conduce a los demás a lograr sus objetivos, un buen líder siempre tiene palabras de aliento, es diligente y sobre todo paciente para enseñar, corregir Y lograr encaminar a todos.

In the above our friend shared that an ideal leader is always delighted in the triumph and achievement of others, with ingenious words and good advice leading others to achieve their goals! A great leader always has words of encouragement is diligent and above all patient to teach, correct and get everyone on track. We found each word is perfectly emphasised with three great leaders;
Hence, we have nominated this content for the top position..

My all-time favourite leader is the great Nelson Mandela a man with dignity and a lot of sad moments in his life but that didn't stop his inspiration and desire to become the president of South Africa, he governed his people very well in a sense that till date he is always remembered for his good work and also he played a huge role in the transformation of South Africa to become one of the greatest countries.

While explaining his all-time favourite leader he cited some inspirational sides of a man who is respected worldwide for his sacrifices and the social cause he performed;
The reason we keep the content in the list of winners..

  • Author- @mdkabirul
  • Country- Bangladesh
  • Club Status-#club5050

The difference between leader and leadership is that leadership is a quality or process where a leader is a person possessing those qualities. Simply put, a leader is a person who leads and directs others in the right direction;
While leadership is a process by which a group or organisation achieves certain goals.

We would request our friends to read the content shared by our friend's content.
He not only justifies the subject with all valid points!
Not only that he comprehended the topic and shared his knowledge while replying to each query; Thus, we have elected to include this post in the roster of winning entries.


We always mention that contest is something that is not only the reason for winning;
But to participate to enhance our writing skills.

However, it was nice to read and comprehend the perceptions of our friends related to the subject. Congratulations to all the winners.

Prize distributed among three winners 🏆




@adriancabrera @bonaventure24 Congratulations and greetings to you my friend.

Incredible India Thank you very much for making me a winner in the organized contest.

Thanks my brother i appreciate 🙏

 3 months ago 

Congratulations to all the winners🏆.

 3 months ago 

যে সকল ইউজার এই প্রতিযোগিতায় উইনার হয়েছে তাদেরকে জানাই শুভেচ্ছা ও অভিনন্দন।

 3 months ago 

Congratulations to all @adriancabrera, @bonaventure24, @mdkabirul.

Thanks dear friend have a great day 😀