The January Contest #2 by sduttaskitchen |Management!

in Incredible India2 months ago (edited)

Greetings Steemians. I'm Enoobong from Nigeria and it's my first post on this community. I hope I'm welcome here as I look forward to some love and homeliness around. Today I'll be participating in a contest "Management" by @sduttaskitchen.

What is your perspective of the word "management"?

My perspective of the word "management" is the arrangement and coordination of something. Be it one's life or business. I see management as creation of equilibria between various facets of a person's life. Management is the ability of control; handling more than an aspect and multitasking almost perfectly. Management is the establishment of balance.

It is my view that management is a superior, helpful and desirable quality. One that should be encouraged. The antonym for it is "disorderliness".

Disorderliness on the other hand has no amount of meticulousity and ends up leaving a great person shabby.

How does the word "management" impact our lifestyle? Explain.

Management creates organization, maturity and good personal image.

A person who possesses the virtue of self management is automatically an orderly person. A person with managerial skills has a leadership trait which compels him or her into dislike for lackadaisicy. Such a person is seldom scattered; they have their life put in place. They're always planning ahead and hence live more fulfilled lives.

A person with high composure as a result of management has exuded maturity already and consequently attracts respect from people who'd love to learn repose and self-collection.

Share some management tips that you follow in your daily lifestyle.

When I wake up every morning, I manage my spiritual life foremostly for it is my belief that it controls every other corner of my existence.
The next thing I manage are my domestic affairs. It is my responsibility as the youngest female daughter to keep the house clean, neat and welcoming. Dishes are not left out. I cook sometimes when necessary.

Next, I have my bath and eat my food and dress up for the day. Done bathing, I pick up my books and begin to read. This creates time for my studies without disrupting another area of my life that needs attention. I play few times in between long intervals to balance out the stress. Then, when dusk is nigh, I bath again and go to sleep to make sure my health is not lagging. All these form my Saturday activities.

I'd like to add

What types of management do you know?

  1. Time management:This focuses on ability to act according to time. For example, if I want to surf the net till 1:50pm and start reading by 2pm, my consciousness of the time I have set and my working in alignment with it is time management.
  2. Money management: This is also called financial or fiscal prudence. It entails the act of saving for future use. A person who can manage money never settles for extravagance or impulse buying.
  3. Spiritual management: The act of placing God above all other activities of one's life. It is demonstrated by praying before taking even the least decisions.
  4. Academic management: Most commonly required by "Gen Z" gadget owners as we 21st centurians prefer to be appelled by. Many people these days let their phones take all the time their studies is meant to take. This is a disadvantage of lack of management.
  5. Health management: This is the consideration of one's health before the consumption of food or the embarking on a lifestyle such a sedentary one.

That'll be all for now fam. See you later. I meanwhile call @alysaa, @destinedhanik and @okokon to join this contest.

 2 months ago 

আপনার লেখা অত্যন্ত চমৎকার এবং গঠনমূলক হয়েছে। ব্যবস্থাপনা নিয়ে আপনার চিন্তাধারা এবং ব্যক্তিগত জীবনে এর প্রভাব সুন্দরভাবে ফুটে উঠেছে। আপনার শেয়ার করা টিপসগুলোও দারুণ কার্যকরী। সময়, অর্থ, স্বাস্থ্য এবং আধ্যাত্মিক ব্যবস্থাপনার গুরুত্ব অত্যন্ত প্রাসঙ্গিক। আপনার লেখার স্টাইল এবং ভাবনা আরও অনুপ্রেরণা জোগায়। শুভকামনা রইলো।

Your view on management being the act of total coordination is certainly right. Management creates a balance lifestyle for us all. Management likewise boost our manner of reasoning and how people see us in the society.

Management can also be regarded as orderliness, if we are able to make use of management in our lives we can also increase our way of thinking, making us able of generating solutions to certain problems, time management is really important in our lives knowing what you need to do is very important, this content is good for a for someone beginning in the platform, best of luck friend.


A beautiful write-up friend. I pick two types of management, time and money management.

Indeed, management is a really crucial aspect of our lives, we need to put things in their proper positions, know when to perform a particular task and when to stop and rest.
Money management is also important to avoid incurring unneccessary debt or weighing ourselves down with countless bills to pay.


Thank you Ma. God bless you.

Your write up is just amazing. I must confess that you didn't write like a first timer. I wish you good luck.

Thank you very much @deprincedeman. I appreciate this.

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