Incredible India Monthly Contest of February #2| Do you believe behind every successful man there is a woman?

Greetings beautiful members of Steemit Incredible India community. Today, I'm participating on a contest by @meraindia. The central question is "Do you believe that behind every successful man there is a woman?". Read on as I express my opinion on this topic.

Since I was a much younger teenager, I've always heard that behind every successful man is a woman. I'm sure you've heard this too. The essence of this contest is to ascertain how true that statement is.

Do you believe the proverb "Behind every successful man; there is a woman"? Explain.

Yes I believe that proverb. Every successful man has a woman behind him. Thomas Edison was rejected by his school due to his supposed mental illness. His mother homeschooled him till he grew into 'one the world's greatest inventor' who invented the light bulb. His success is definitely owed to his mother.

Nigerian musician Tuface Idibia owes the success of his music career to his wife Anne Idibia. She went out of her way to promote his songs and gave him a shoulder to lean on when he had a social media backlash. He wouldn't be where he is today without his wife.

Tanzanian singer Juma Jux owes the growth of his Instagram account and fame to his newly wedded wife Priscilla Ojo. He's Instagram page had 5.6 million followers before meeting her but now has 7.2million followers. This is owed to his beautiful wife.

How can we remain balanced in our relationships?

The key to remaining balanced in relationships is to share responsibilities equally. I'll explain.

The society made it a man's duty to make financial provisions. The woman can augment. I would advise the woman to try as much as she can to also make financial provisions as well.

Society said it's the woman's duty to manage domestic affairs. This should not stop the man from throwing in some help when he has spare time. I mean, there should be times where the couple cook together.

Biologically, the woman is meant to carry the foetus in her womb for 9 months before delivery. Since the man can't carry half of the baby in his womb(for equality reasons), then he should help out as much as possible during this period. He should shower her with love, care and assistance whenever she needs.

Do you think that in the modern era men and women should be given equal respect, opportunity and recognition everywhere? Share your viewpoint.

Yes I do. In the previous centuries(the 19th century backwards), women were looked upon with mistreatment and disdain. Women were viewed as weaker creatures whose rights did not exist. They were;

  1. Married against their will
  2. Unallowed to contest for political positions
  3. Considered as second-class citizens
  4. Unallowed to work outside their homes
  5. Unallowed to own property
  6. Exemptions of political process, et cetera
  7. Allowed to be flogged by their husbands without any right to redress
  8. Only allowed to work in organizations who paid them half of what a man would earn, et cetera.

Fortunately, these were the happenings of the olden days. Now, things happen differently and should be allowed to remain that way.
It is my opinion that the same economic, societal, marital, political opportunities a man receives should be accorded to women as well.
Time for oppression is over.

Thank you Incredible India community and @meraindia for this opportunity to air my view.
I invite
@destinedhanik and
@okokon to participate.

 3 days ago 

আপনিও বিশ্বাস করেন একজন পুরুষের সফলতার পেছনে একজন নারীর অবদান অনেক বেশি আপনি নাইজেরিয়ান একজন সঙ্গীত শিল্পীর কথা আমাদের সাথে শেয়ার করেছেন যেখানে আপনি উল্লেখ করেছেন তার সঙ্গে শিল্প হয়ে ওঠার পেছনে তার স্ত্রীর অবদান অনেক বেশি।

বর্তমান সমাজে নারীদেরকে তেমন একটা মূল্যায়ন করতে চায় না তবে নারীরাও চেষ্টা করলে অনেক কিছু করতে পারে এটা হয়তোবা অনেকে ভুলে যায় আমার মনে হয় যদি দুজনের সমান অধিকার থাকে সমাজের মধ্যে তাহলে অবশ্যই সমাজে তারা ভালো কিছু করে দেখানোর সুযোগ পাবে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ প্রতিযোগিতার প্রতিটা প্রশ্নের উত্তর এত সুন্দর ভাবে উপস্থাপন করার জন্য ভালো থাকবেন।

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