When the eyes speak, dreams are not just dreams

in Incredible India2 days ago

Sometimes I fill void when I look into myself.
In the mirror, the reflections are just reminders. At times, it is more than just reminders, filling the vacant spaces with fruitful memories.

I saw a dream. The dream is more than just a dream as it concluded with a beautiful picture of her eyes. Then , one day I drawn the beauty in a piece of paper.


Her eyes were speaking to me without any hesitation. Her eyes have a quiet magic like the kind that makes me stop and stare for just a little longer which I didn't expect. Curiosity creeps in like she was pretty that others might miss.

She was not too big and not too small but I would say she has got the cutest eyes to hold a little mystery. Those black eyes never blinked looking at me more than my eyes demanded. When she moves her hair catch and reflect the world around her like they hold tiny secrets around her. Her lashes were long and soft and I could see that they were casting the faintest shadows on her cheeks.She was about to say something to me but she remained silent. But what makes her eyes truly unforgettable is nothing but the way they speak without words. Whether they shine with a smile or sadness, they always seem to tell a story to me. I would say they’re the kind of eyes which I remember.

But all of a sudden I realized she was a dream but her eyes were real.

 2 days ago 

I saw a dream. The dream is more than just a dream as it concluded with a beautiful picture of her eyes.

Is that a dream only? It's hard to believe!
But I must admit that the eyes are beautiful and I can glimpse love inside those eyes!

You can share a full sketch of your dream girl. We love to glance at it!

 2 days ago 

Sure I will post one more...Thank you so much for the valuable reply ☺️


আপনি একেবারেই ঠিক বলেছেন মাঝে মাঝে দেখা যায় কিছু মানুষের চোখ কথা বলে যেটা কখনোই ভুলে থাকা সম্ভব নয় তবে আমার কাছে মনে হয় চোখ শুধু স্বপ্ন দেখেনা স্বপ্ন পূরণ করতেও সাহায্য করে আপনার শেয়ারটি তো ছবিটা সত্যিই অসাধারণ যেখানে দেখে বোঝা যাচ্ছে চোখটি অনেক কথা বলছে এবং আমাদেরকে বোঝানোর চেষ্টা করছে তার মনের অনুভূতি।

 22 hours ago 

I'm so happy to see this valuable feedback ☺️