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RE: The School Boy - (Acrylic and Marker on Canvas).

in ᴀʀᴛ & ᴀʀᴛɪꜱᴛꜱ2 months ago (edited)

I wonder about that question in your text. I rather don't see it in it. It feels unpersonal and as if you copied text/the post from an entry elsewhere.

I like to see creativity, text included so no questionairy-like posts please!

The balloon
It's clear the boy said yes as he was asked: Do you want a balloon? I wonder if there was a celebrations since balloons don't go up by themselves. This item gives room for thought.

I can imagine a mini series of the boy, from baby, todler, primary school to... showing different aspects of life.
There was a period people had 3-5 pictures in a baby room. Somehow this one reminds me of those although they could show animals or fun pictures as well (or babies in flowers).

@grebmot do you want a balloon or prefer a piece of pie?

P.s. What is #forcepainting? You forgot #art among your first 4. Try to remember how people can find you.

A good weekend


I'd like to have a piece of pie please. Seriously though, the balloon reminds me of Banksy a little.

Lol.... A Pie it is then! 🤣

Okay. I get your point. Forcepainting is something unique artistically that I am trying to coin out for myself. Still refining it though.

 2 months ago 

like forcing yourself to paint no matter if you are in the mood?

Not that...... Let's leave it for now please.