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RE: An Alternative To Cross-stitching

I remember and weren't there pillows as well in other editions?

Imagine an exhibition with rooms for each family where we see the art, skills, hobbies of each family member. What would such a room look like? What would it say about this family, how they raised their children? If you ask me it will be awesome.

I doubt it is about the money if it comes to art created by urge / feelings, this includes what we create and what makes us feel better even if is painting numbers. What is wanted is recognition or transmitting a feeling and money is needed because one has to eat and material should be bought.

What your wife does is amazing and kind of the same as ronthroop does. Spreading joy by giving art, a part of her previous time where she poured her heart and soul in. How amazing is that? There are all sorts of exhibitions (with us) to show what people drives, are capable of and the intention is to share the richdom, variety and skills or to promote a certain style, thought or the artist and often there can't be bought anything.

My family room would show a model, visagist, animater, filmmaker, photographes, drawing, paintings, lego, architecture and so on. 😍




Well, you lead, I'll follow. Maybe a family art challenge (one room per family only) but then, there won't be much to show as most have been sold or given away. So maybe a virtual family room where photos of past works can be shown as well. I don't know much about these sort of things. How these can be done or arranged. The mechanics, etc. But I can support if there's something I can share. 😊