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RE: An Alternative To Cross-stitching

in ᴀʀᴛ & ᴀʀᴛɪꜱᴛꜱ2 months ago

Greetings friend,
Thank you for presenting us with this proposal of:
"rhinestone, mosaic, pointillism in 3D," an interesting activity and I think the shine of the diamond tiles makes them look very beautiful.

I remember a similar hobby that I practiced as a child which was filling in the numbered spaces of a piece of art with paints, I worked with oil and acrylic paint.

You make an interesting review of the activity that, as you say, encourages creativity, I would add "patience" and a lot of dedication to such meticulous work.

The ending seemed funny to me, because of its resemblance to a sales commercial. I don't know if that was your intention.

I also wonder if all the canvases come already numbered or if there is the option of doing it intuitively without the factory guides from the seller.


"rhinestone, mosaic, pointillism in 3D,"

So this must be the technical term for it. Sounds very scholarly. It really is a very interesting activity and I really was impressed by the finished painting, all glittery and shiny.

This hobby of yours when you were young sounds just like this Diamond Painting. Were you able to save some of your canvasses? They must have looked like the paintings of the old masters.

Yes, patience is the number one necessity. Second is a good eyesight. Third would be dedication. But mostly, patience. My wife sometimes goes 2 to 3 hours a day working on the painting. But despite the long hours she's always happier after each session.

I did not intend any commercial spiel in the post. I just thought some readers, especially from my country, might wonder where they can procure such canvasses. I just mentioned, I hope casually, where my wife buys hers.

My wife thinks all canvasses come with the numbered pattern. There were none that did not have the guide. But, I guess, as an artist, you would find this even more challenging if there were any available.

Thanks for the welcome. Happy to read your comment. See you again 😊

Look, painting on number still exists they even have an online shop in the Netherlands

Ah, I found the answer @joslud, empty canvas can be bought

That's great discovery!! 👍 Now to find out how I can order from our country. Thanks for the link 😀

Did you figure it out? Do you have something in mind? You could also ignore what it printed on the canvas.

No. My wife, who is the one doing the diamond painting, says she'd rather stick to the numbered canvass at the moment. She knows it is more challenging to do the unnumbered but unfortunately she does not have the luxury of time and skill for such. So I did not look into it anymore. But thanks for the link you provided because I can give them to anyone who could be interested.

LIke you I also had the painting with numbers but not for long, it was kind of boring to stay between the lines. I never liked colouring either.

We seem to ask the same question.. I am sure the stones can be ordered, I assume the glue as well.. the rest is? Perhaps wood, a t-shirt, a wall? But it is tiny work, a lot of patience