Decrypting the art world (i)

in ᴀʀᴛ & ᴀʀᴛɪꜱᴛꜱ8 days ago


When was the last time you came into direct contact with a “piece of art”?
(Having visited a museum is not valid)
What kind of “work or piece” was it?:
a painting, a drawing, a craft, a sculpture... something else?
How did you know it was art?

Were you able to answer with certainty? Don't worry, if you had doubts, you are not the only one. Nowadays, what we call art can be very confusing, a labyrinth, a mixture of abstract concepts, shapes and new and curious formats; unthinkable materials, unexpected supports, for example, a tattoo on the cornea of ​​the eye, or in more hidden places of the body that would make you blush.

With this post I want to start a conversation about art, its definition(s) and its new forms. If you want to join, you are welcome

What is Art?

Photographs are property of @joslud
Nowadays, art is more like a changing chameleon, constantly changing colors, textures, and skins, depending on its mood or the environment it is in.

Did you know that we can call a video game art, a drone sculpture, and even an algorithm can be considered art? What do you say about Doodles, NFTs? A meme?!

Then you have possibly come across “ART” without even knowing or suspecting it. It seems that you only need to put the word art in front of or after “something” and that's it: ephemeral art, trash art, shocking art.

Or names like: interactive installation, street performance, multimedia and multiplatform montage, baptized as artistic.

It seems that nowadays it must provoke a reaction in you, that makes you think, that makes you feel or question what you contemplate, or where you are immersed. In that order of ideas, I open the comments for you to participate with your answers to:

What is the rarest, strangest or most unthinkable work of art you have ever seen?


I fondly remember there being a big huh-hah about some banksy painting that got sold for some unholy amount of cash years ago. Then a hidden document shredder jumped on and went to work. Priceless!

That was art.

 6 days ago 

Wow... I understand that it was Banksy himself who brought the crusher, right?😯😲😳🤯

I agree that art is invaluable. But his answer:
Was it a reaction? Was it premeditated? did you make a montage? An ephemeral art installation 😅? A spoiled artist tantrum?, a manifesto?

I don't remember the exact details. Supposedly Banksy wanted to the destroy the piece, but the shredder gave out and stopped half way through. So it was definitely planned in some way or form. Probably made the painting more valuable, too.

Another favorite of mine was when somebody duct-taped a banana to a museum wall, or whatever it was, and called it art. Expensive, too. Then someone ate the banana and put the peel up.

I think anything can be called art: "the art of lying well so that the one being lied to knows he's being lied to but isn't offended" (I know my girlfriend often uses this), "the art of laughing at others so that the one being laughed at is happy" (I often use this art to laugh at my girlfriend), even politics has been said to be "the art of making impossible possible" (our politicians do it massively so that they're thick-skinned enough when we laugh at them because we're sick of being lied to all the time), and so on.

But I also understand that the "art" that is the topic of this discussion is art in the form of an object that is present and can be felt by our senses. I will not be involved in judging whether something can be called art or not.

I'm actually here to know what the artists here think about art. So I'll just be a good reader. Just think of this as not a comment. 🤦🏾‍♂️

Definitely will not call this art. 🥺🥺🥺

You are doubly right, we use the word "art" very easily, sticking it to anything, that is a common use, referring to the skill and excellence with which you do something, (whatever it may be)

The other thing is that "there is an ART" in capital letters, which has been defined in many ways and forms throughout history, one of those ways is to define it based on what part of the creative act it focuses on:

  • the inspiration of the artist
  • the process of creating the work
  • the intention of the artist
  • the piece or work itself.
  • the effect of the piece on the observer.
  • the implicit relationship between the artist-piece-observer

In short, there are many ways to define art, which brings me to the last part of your comment, refusing to define it. 😕😵🥵
I think you have much more to share than a refusal.
Oh, is that art?

See you later.

 7 days ago 

The piece of rusty iron on the highway. A waste of tax money. On the other hand, I saw roundabouts being decorated in a great way with what I call art (most are not) and I have pictures of creations I fell in love with them the moment I saw them. I wish I had them all to decorate my garden with and change my garden in a "theme park" (just no visitors).

I have to check if I still have the photos and if not I'll see if they are still there hidden at a place where most likely not many see them let alone appreciate them.

I need a truck to take them away...

You have to show it, would you really exhibit it as art? 😅

Even as an artist, the things I have seen tagged art in the recent years is just so frightening. The word "Contemporary" in art has made it look like just anyone could create Art and it somewhat makes it seems like professional artists are rather useless.

Imagine seeing a canvas with just one brushstroke or one Charcoal line being considered a great art. It's just so funny and annoying at the same time.

 7 days ago 

Actually, that's what I meant by Karel Appel. It's also a sign that all you need is a great promoter or art critic praising you into heaven. Preferably before you die.
If it comes to that brushstroke ... all 1+-year-olds are artists. What if they are?

If they are then we should all embrace mediocrity 😂

 6 days ago 

I went to an exhibition and one of the pieces was a blank canvas on an easel.

I had the naivety to approach the canvas to see if there was anything, and there wasn't. I felt like an idiot.🙈😅

Lol..... It can be so funny and annoying at the same time.