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RE: An Alternative To Cross-stitching

It reminds me of mosaic but it's ver tiny at least that is how it looks to me. It's true it's sold "everywhere" with us. The shop Action has them too and they are one of the cheapest places to buy all sort of stuffs especially if it comes to art (pencils, paper, sketchbooks, clay and paint I buy over there). I never tried it although once in a while I think "that looks nice should I give it a try?". What stops me is those tin pieces and the fact it's dark inside so I will have a hard time to see what I do, also if I want to keep it at one place without the need to clean it up.
I wonder how big the diamond painting is your wife works on and how long it takes to finish one. Her eyes never heard?
I don't have many wall so hang (tiny house and a few months ago I bought a sofa after 12 years without which fills the entire room (the room is small the sofa isn't that big) .

Who knows I try one day though I wonder if one can paint his own idea instead of a bought one which reminds of my childhood where we had something similar but used paint (very expensive).

What I like is the fact that you write it takes the mind of the business one daily deals with. A nice way to relax and create at the same time without the stress of a artist's block(age).
Thanks for sharing a DIY about a modern type of art.


I wonder how big the diamond painting is your wife works on and how long it takes to finish one. Her eyes never heard?

The painting is 30cm x 40cm and takes my wife about 6 to 8 hours non stop to complete. Her eyes do not hurt as she uses a table lamp with a high wattage bulb. It's her neck that bothers her after having to look down on the painting for hours. But that doesn't stop her though. She's used to cross stitching and has done some really big ones which were twice the size of the diamond painting canvass.

The online shop she buys from doesn't have canvasses that are not coded. But I am sure there are specialized shops that offer these but I doubt there are here in the Philippines.

My wife says it is so easy to do, relaxing and quite fulfilling, especially once the canvass is completed. Though I think the one using paint that you mentioned in your childhood days would be more challenging and thus more satisfying.

Thank you for your comments. I appreciate them very much 😊

The pain in the neck I recognize. All together it's not as long as I thought. I can imagine the fullfilment and joy it brings plus the me-time. Good for you she always comes out that room happier.
Do you still have walls left? You & the family can have an exhibition with all your art and crafts 😁

(yes, you can add your photochain shots)



Do you still have walls left?

Now that you asked the answer is actually, yes. Most of the art my daughter does are sold so there's not much to hang. My wife's cross-stitch frames, and now her diamond paintings, she usually gives them away as presents. Again, not much to hang there. My PhotoChain pictures are all stored in my phone so nothing to hang there. So what's left to hang are the ones that haven't yet been given away. Like this most recent Diamond Painting my wife finished and framed. I think the neck pain and eye strain were worth all the effort

This I think has a designated recipient already. So this one's going down soon to receive the upcoming one below.

No recipient for this yet.

Nah, only Jazz's art would pass as exhibit worthy. Maybe my wife's Diamond Painting could be considered but that in itself is not art but merely following instructions of the artist who did the canvass coding. For all we know it could even be computer generated. Nice thought but no can do.

Thanks for your support and that of steemcurator05's. You guys sure know how to make someone's day 😃🥰

What does that mean worthy? Who decides what is worthy?
If I visit craft markets there is as many art as there is in musea where high prices are paid for what isn't always clear (we are educated to only register certain types of crafts as art and under certain restrictions?).

Photography is art
Writing is art
Architecture, construction is art
Video/film making is art
Music is
A collection of stamps is and pinned butterflies in a cabinet can be, and a sarcophage is, so why not what you and your wife do?
It might be interesting to see exhibitions of families - one room per family.
We can see cooking, photography, drawing, haircuts, you name it. Creativity, art deserves to be shown and is present among all people.

Did you check on @ronthroop his art? #stuckism? He left info and links.

A great weekend! I will look for the empty break

So far the upvote 🤣

In one PhotoChain Edition, I forgot the number, the keywords were Stripes and Animal. I think it was dim753 who entered a striped painting with a dog figurine atop a black sofa. You made a comment saying, "Who would want to buy that?" But I thought the painting looked good. That prompted me to talk about a post I made on abstract art and how I have come to appreciate it. Remember?

Well that's exactly my point. What may be of value to me may not be to others. I do not delude myself to think my family's art have commercial value, except for those of Jazz's. And my wife feels the same. That's why she gives her works away like those cross stitched canvasses and now this Diamond Paintings as presents not because they're expensive but because the persons she gives her works to are worth all the long hours she poured in to complete them. It's like saying to someone, "You are worth so much to me so I give this piece which I worked so hard to do to you. Am I getting my point across?

But I agree with you that art is in everything you can think of. Photography, writing, architecture, etc. But my concept of an art exhibit is where the difference of opinion is. For me, an art exhibit is where you display your works in the hope that people buy them. For you, I would like to think of art sharing, not exhibit. Sharing with friends all my works. And they can take whatever they want for free because they are worth it.

I remember and weren't there pillows as well in other editions?

Imagine an exhibition with rooms for each family where we see the art, skills, hobbies of each family member. What would such a room look like? What would it say about this family, how they raised their children? If you ask me it will be awesome.

I doubt it is about the money if it comes to art created by urge / feelings, this includes what we create and what makes us feel better even if is painting numbers. What is wanted is recognition or transmitting a feeling and money is needed because one has to eat and material should be bought.

What your wife does is amazing and kind of the same as ronthroop does. Spreading joy by giving art, a part of her previous time where she poured her heart and soul in. How amazing is that? There are all sorts of exhibitions (with us) to show what people drives, are capable of and the intention is to share the richdom, variety and skills or to promote a certain style, thought or the artist and often there can't be bought anything.

My family room would show a model, visagist, animater, filmmaker, photographes, drawing, paintings, lego, architecture and so on. 😍



Well, you lead, I'll follow. Maybe a family art challenge (one room per family only) but then, there won't be much to show as most have been sold or given away. So maybe a virtual family room where photos of past works can be shown as well. I don't know much about these sort of things. How these can be done or arranged. The mechanics, etc. But I can support if there's something I can share. 😊

Who knows one day we can do this on Steemit. One post and every member if the family shows 1-3 creative photos of what s/he made.

So very true! The highest art can be the art of living!:)