I'm not sure if artists differ that much from most people, in terms of the quality of their suffering and the abuse the have faced. The latter just suffer more or less quietly where as artists by definition are trying to express themselves.
I'm not sure if artists differ that much from most people, in terms of the quality of their suffering and the abuse the have faced. The latter just suffer more or less quietly where as artists by definition are trying to express themselves.
I believe they do otherwise they wouldn't be noticed.
I'm not convinced. Stuff seems significantly more weird when you spell it out, compared to the type normalcy bias we tend to have regarding our own experiences. "Regular" people don't spell it out though, they're mostly just living their life. The unusual thing about artists for that matter is their williningness to talk about it, or to be honest. Kind of. Or at least say things others would rather keept to themselves. Hence artists might seem more special than they actually are, I'd say. It's like stand-up comedy in a sense. There's a lot of funny people who don't become comedians, but they're not looking for that attention. So they're not getting it.