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RE: Some Art We Like From A Distance

I can say Miss @wakeupkitty that I am a lover or art especially paintings hung on walls. There is this instance where at the laboratory clinic where I used to go when I can still walk on my own to have my blood work done, I would always look and spend some time, almost staring at the paintings hung inside the the laboratory clinic. There are CCTV in the clinic so I bet they see me looking at those art works especially the small one, about 3x3 inches size where a bouquet of flowers is the subject and I bet that the Lady owner had painted those.

I also think that she knows that I was one out of the thousands of people that goes to that lab clinic that actually put some time about appreciating those paintings because she had given me some food gifts about three years ago or so also during my blood was tested outside the clinic and it was before the pandemic and I couldn't walk there anymore because I can't anymore so they have to take a sample of my blood in the car inside the clinic's parking garage. It was my mother that asked them to do so.

When the owner of the clinic learned that I was there, she gave me some food gifts and I really think that I know why, I appreciated her paintings if not she has a special special space in her heart for me being a long-term surviving dialysis patient.

Anyway, with regards to Art and how to present it is really a subjective matter. One example of this is what you conveyed with the video showing aa visual art presentation, it has a function which is according to the artist, to advocate the preservation of some animal species which are really endangered and wants the pertinent people who can act to make a solution to this present problem to get some ways and means to save the animals.

The visual art presentation had done its job, it made the people in the studio appreciate what they saw although in just a brief moment but nonetheless liked what they saw and also heard with the simultaneous voice message to directly tell the audience what the want to convey although I think they should show it to the right people who can really make a solution or difference to the current state of the animals.

So for me as long as the supposed art form or presentation would be done tastefully and not being sexual in any way by corrupting a young mind like that of a child, then it is ok. Art is like a knife, if you use it to cut your food, then it is good, if you use it to hurt people, then it is bad.

The same way for art works as some can be just a gimmick to lure people in asexual way and that for me is just a plain pornography and not art, a wolf under a sheep's wool as it seemingly looks like an art but corrupts minds in both adults and especially against children and I know because I had been a child before, well obviously ha ha.

Even our brain does some form of art, it gives us the visual presentation of what we are thinking, our frustrations in life, passions in life, love to do, want to do, and manifests what or minds and bodies are feeling at the moment as well and the brain has a reason, which is to vent the pressures out so that it can rejuvenate so that we will not go loco.

We have to consider that a brainless artist cannot do art, like a painting. That is why an artist's (Painter) brain is special because it can do what other people can't which is to show what his/her brain is seeing and putting it on the canvass for people to see and appreciate and value.

My preference for art are paintings because I like to see within the painter's mind on what he/she is seeing while doing the artwork because I always wonder why such people can do it while the multitude of others cannot because in my opinion, just like a cook, a person is born cook and I am sure that also, a person is born an artist, or a painter and they all deserve a recognition and praise because they are a gem of society.

Thank you for this opportunity to give my opinion about what true art is an what is not because all art is good while others are just using a supposed art for bad interests and intentions. 😀👍

 3 months ago 

Art is something strange. We see or better feel it. I like art in public places and just like you I stop and study it. I never saw anyone do that it's as if it's taken for granted or seen as some wallpaper. It's strange to consider you are observed even found weird if you study a painting. Isn't that the reason it's there in the first place?

The last time I visited the doctor's office there were paintings but no name. I asked someone but she aheugged and said: it should be at the front doir. Nothing. Another visitor said: did you check the back of the painting? I did not but I went back to look at the back of a small one and there was the name. /

I wonder if the paintings will still be there of exchanged since usually it's part of the hospital and they have a small department with the doctors but will stop in 2025. This means everyone has to travel 40 kilometres or more. I doubt who feels sick can do that. They will stay home andperhaps the ambulance will comeif it's too late.

It's a nice gesture they take your blood in the car. No one would here but perhaps a nurse would come to your home.
It must be good to know someone appreciates your paintings I would reward for that as well.

Thanks for sharing yiur thoyggrs and live for art.

