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RE: Artist, join our directory on My Google Maps

It's never too late jj
My literary pseudonym is: Daniel Montenegro.
My name is: Leonardo Y. Almaguer Hechavarría.

Type of art: Writer and quasi-painter
Level: I hope high. But it all depends on the lens through which you look at us.
Coordinates: 20.943150065393752, -76.93470794383443
Social Networks::
I am a writer, from an island in the middle of the ocean. I have been writing for as long as I can remember. I am born to write. And now to paint. Friends are gone. So I am a steppe wolf devouring worlds and cities, from the asphalt to the sewers. Or I was a dragon protecting some kingdom or a treasure, and not exactly of these elves. I would like to talk about Angela's Ashes. But it's past twelve o'clock and I'm already feeling tired. I can pull out of my potato bag some ball of yarn. I'm sure some cuddly kitty likes yarn and, by the way, I really enjoyed raising and breeding goldfish. Many years learning the hated craft of writing.
I have a degree in computer science and mathematics, and about thirteen diplomas and postgraduate degrees in various subjects. I have three books published in Cuba. And just another three drawings.
At the moment I work in electronics, but I love art and words.
@joslud y @wakeupkitty

 25 days ago (edited)

Hola, @almaguer

Esta propuesta está planteada a mediano - largo plazo, mientras los artistas se convencen del beneficio. Por ahora esta es tu presentación, dime si quieres resumir o replantear la bio o realizar alguna corrección, por ahora puedes compartir el mapa entre tus contactos y redes

GIF 3-3-2025 07-43-49.gif

Ver el mapa

Who's who in ᴀʀᴛ & ᴀʀᴛɪꜱᴛꜱ Community?

Gracias por la confianza

I'll take Kitty's suggestion, you should call me Leonardo Almaguer, which is the name that appears in my books. Not the pseudonym, which I have used in contests.

 21 days ago 

Listo @almaguer, realicé el cambio de nombre.


Si quieres puedes enviarme otras fotos, (por ejemplo, de tus libros)
Y puedes editar la bio y descripción para que no sea tan larga.

Estoy a tu orden

 21 days ago 

Since you publish books with your name, don't you think you should use that name or? I am happy you join the Artist circle and @grebmot @lightcaptured can come and live with me if you need an address or we move to Greenland

@greatketty you are a writer, place yourself on the map dear.

I'll note and remember this offer, if I ever become homeless, as it looks like a possible future for artists in a world that only figures how to spend much more on weapons/offense/defense. ;)

 21 days ago 

It looks like that. There's no room for artists of any kind. We could ask AI why we are hated. What would a world be like without art & artists if it's all taken away? Imagine.. no photos, no paintings, no stories, no books, no films, no inventions...

A great, creative weekend!

I suspect AI is already working an angle as one of its goals is obviously to take the bread out of the hands of the artists by providing cheaper and faster "creative" services.

Probably one in ten artists will survive, similar to the printed newspapers...

Art will be here forever, probably shape-shifting quicker than ever, but AI art will never be revolutionary, just evolutionary, IMHO ;)

Have an awesome weekend yourself as well! :)

Heh, here's Kitty with the monkey paw wishes again :-)

 21 days ago 

I love you too. So it's a YES. Btw it should be rabbit paw. Come ont it's the year of the snake, a great year for creative souls.

You can have the kitchen no problem.

Что мне надо сделать? Как-то отметить себя? Я из России, мне 37 лет:)

 21 days ago 

Все, что вам нужно сделать, это:
Имя: настоящее имя или имя писателя или что вам нравится
Адрес: настоящий адрес или адрес студии или поддельный адрес где-то в городе
Если вам нравится немного информации о вас или слоган или выражение или то, что у вас есть в вашем профиле Steemit.

Вы можете добавить свой сайт или адрес Steemit
1-я картинка: фотография или аватар или визитная карточка (что вам нравится.. пишущая машинка?)
2 произведения вашего искусства (я дал два pdf с каждым изображением и стихотворением/историей на нем)
Далее вы упоминаете @joslud, и он добавляет вас на карту. Где именно находится центр мира?

Кажется, мы все еще циркулируем по всему миру, и я там дважды LOL. Я думаю, что могу переместить Tales & Stories в Восточную Европу, чтобы заполнить карту.