Letters and acrylic 2


I have loved what I have learned these days about acrylic painting. Each new search leads me to hundreds of new questions. Hours and hours, searching for answers on the internet. Learning about brushes, textures. Colors. Everything seems magical and extraordinary. The art itself filling the spaces with colors.


I keep painting on this regular blue cardboard (there is no white). It is not very good at absorbing color, so I manage. I don't have flat brushes to make some effects, I use my imagination, try ideas, tips. I know few painters who are still in the country. It would be good to chat for a while about solutions they have used for different artistic proposals. As always, the isolated artists.


I still think it could continue to improve. Although daily life affects and you want to write too and time is finite (life is), art should still prevail and suggest and externalize or exorcise the inner demons.
So I will continue to paint. Potato bags with the same potatoes picked up from the basement, mash them and smash them to smithereens with a cheese cutting knife, available though anything is possible (or not).
I look forward to feedback. Criticism would be good. It's always good.

a @wakeupkitty.pal, with affection..
a @aneukpineung78

 9 days ago 

The blue paper adds something extra, the island atmosphere? There's plenty of room for improvement; you just started, and breaks are also good to have a look at what you did, how far you came and what you like to try out.
Do you have sheets where you try out different ways of painting or sketching or do you turn everything into a painting? I understand if you do this, but this also means you have no references and it will be hard to check what you did. Taking photos helps, but the camera still shows a different picture.
You can start a chat group for artists in Cuba. One or three are enough; the rest will surely hear about it. It will be cool.

It's good to see how your dreams take flight!

Yes, a long way to go. Many years lost in the sea of everyday life. Many techniques to learn. Many hours of online courses. But the important thing is to start. To move forward. To learn and to be able to develop the potential of painting and writing. My two art muses. Thank you for dedicating many precious hours to me.
We will continue coloring dreams.

#wewrite #comment

 8 days ago 

Have fun, that's most important of all and if you are stuck with painting, you can write or colour within the lines.
A great Thursday (two tubes of paint tear apart it was a mess and one is more water than paint so I threw it away). Very frustrating.

#wewrite #comment and #paint LOL

Don't throw it away, haha. You would throw away the gold. Excellent works of art come out of frustrations. It's just looking for the release valve that allows you to dump all that anger, or whatever it is on canvas or paper. You are writing great. I look forward to new writings. I still have some fingers sliced like butter.

#write #comment

 8 days ago 

I didn't throw away the painting which I painted over the painting with the macaroni I didn't finish LOL but the tubes with bad paint that thorn. At least it was easy to clean (the floor and my hands).