in LifeStyle4 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone, I'm so happy to be here again, and I’m also very happy to share my thoughts with you.


Waking Up Early:

Over the years I discovered that waking up early helps your day to be meaningful and productive because when you wake early you will be able to program your day and set things in place, your life will be more organized and purposeful when you are able to develop the habits of waking up early.

Communing With God Early in the Morning:

It has come to my knowledge that it’s only God (our Creator) that knows the end from the beginning and he alone can direct you to where you can get greener pastures. When you commit anything you want to do in his hands early, he endeavor to guide you through. As a technician, once I asked him for direction on what to do, he normally guides me through it all.


Writing down Your Schedules for the day:

Pinning down what you have to do on daily basis helps you to be more organized, from my experience, once I don’t write down what I ought to do each day I’m always disorganized that day and I’m bound to leave many things undone. Not just that you will be organized, you will be equally focused on what to do.


Early morning Exercise:

Exercise helps to keep your body busy and active, from my experiences, I discovered that early morning exercise keeps me awake and alert, throughout the day, it makes me proactive, it helps me function effectively at work, sometimes looking at a computer for a longer time could make someone feel sleepy and bored. But with early morning exercise, I’m always active in the office. Morning exercise gives more energy to complete the task ahead, it gives better focus, it brightens one mood, excessive fat is a serious problem to the body so morning exercise helps in losing weight, it helps in speeding up your overall activity, etc. morning exercise has a whole lot benefits.



The same way body exercise helps to build muscle and makes you active, reading also helps to exercise the brain and help you to be mentally alert, the more you read, the more your brain expands. Reading strengthens your brain, it builds your vocabulary and make you relevant in your career and vocation, reading equally reduces stress because it boosts the brain capacity, reading may even help you live longer: I’ve come to notice that scholars, Professors, etc. tend to live longer because reading prevents decay in the brain, reading helps a lot in reviving your brain.


Learning new things:

Often times we see our phone Apps asking for updates and we do update them, the same thing happens with us we need to update ourselves regularly so as to be able to fit in with the current trend of happenings. It’s just like our mobile phone we upgraded from 2G to 3G, 4G and now we are looking for 5G Network.

We have a whole lot of things that can improve our attitudes and habits but I just pull out these ones from my experience. You can equally suggest some if you have them, so feel free to make your comments.
Thanks for reading and engaging my blog
I am @timgrace