I watched "The Shawshank Redemption" many times and summed up these 6 life essencessteemCreated with Sketch.

in LifeStyle4 years ago


Calmly accept the present to maintain the ability to think independently

The story began in 1948, when Andy's wife and his lover were killed, and Andy became the biggest suspect.

He was 30 years old that year and was the vice president of the trust department of a large bank, at the age of bright prospects.

Despite insufficient evidence, Andy was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Andy walked among the people in prison, with brown hair, white and white, with neatly trimmed nails, looking clean and weak in writing.


The inmates in the prison were happy with the new prisoners, guessing who would cry on the night of their imprisonment.

Rhett guessed it must be Andy, and bet ten cigarettes with the cellmate.

But Reid lost.

While the newly imprisoned inmates cried out injustice all night, Andy quietly accepted everything here.


Living in this world, it is inevitable to encounter unfair treatment, and perhaps without warning, suddenly suffer a ruthless crit from fate.

As there is a saying: You never know, which comes first tomorrow or the accident.

In the face of disaster, the only thing we can do is not to cry, but to accept it.

The world is unpredictable, so you have to do your best to make tomorrow better than today.

Only by accepting the present can you maintain the ability to think independently and calmly analyze your own reality.

Plan for the worst, do your best, and do your best.


Those who have faith will not succumb to reality

One day, Andy chatted with Rhett and talked about his dreams.

Andy hopes that one day, he will be free again, and he will open a hotel in the small town of Zihuatanejo in southern Mexico, drink beer against the sea breeze, and breathe free air.

In Rhett's view, Andy is a foolish dream. A person sentenced to life imprisonment can't do it at all.

However, some birds are inherently unable to shut down, because their desire to fly has never been extinguished. Just like Andy, no matter what the status quo, he always has an unshakable faith in his heart. Most prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment will have a gloomy and desperate look on their faces after a while, but Andy's face has never appeared. Therefore, even though he was wrongly imprisoned, humiliated and ridiculed by inmates, and targeted by the homosexual "three sisters", despite his scars, he still exercised his plan calmly, always preparing for the escape. Andy has always guarded carefully and firmly adhered to his beliefs.

No matter how strong the ability is, how strong the idea of wanting to be successful, and without strong enough conviction, nothing will be accomplished.

The most terrifying force in the world is faith, and the most precious wealth in the world is also faith.

It is faith that really saves oneself.


Mastering scarce skills is the key to breaking the game

During a roof renovation, Andy overheard the prison guard Hari complaining to his colleagues:

He inherited an inheritance, but the inheritance tax that needs to be paid is almost enough to buy a new car, too much.

Andy put down the paint brush in his hand, ignoring the persuasion of the inmates, walked carefully towards Hari, and asked tentatively: "Can you trust your wife?"

Harry turned his head to see Andy, and pulled out his gun vigilantly.

Rhett and the others looked at everything in front of them nervously. They calculated that Andy might be shot, or beaten, or pushed off the roof.

But Andy still seized the opportunity and told the prison guards how to avoid taxes in a calm manner:
"Each of us can give a gift to our spouse once in our life, the amount can be up to 60,000 yuan, and you don't need to pay a penny of tax." Andy was the vice president of the bank before, and such a trivial matter is a piece of cake for him. The prison guards put down their vigilance and readily accepted Andy's tax evasion help. It was this unexpected arrangement that allowed Andy to obtain three cans of beer for each companion. At that moment, all the inmates looked like free men with the sun shining on their shoulders.

Moreover, because of his outstanding ability, Andy was granted asylum by the prison guards, not only ended the harassment of the "three sisters", but also won the opportunity to work in the prison library. Shawshank, a seemingly unbreakable game. The key to Andy's success is that he has mastered skills that are scarce in prison.

In the first round of ward rounds, the warden did not open the bible that he hid the hawk-mouthed hoe, because he could really memorize the bible; he was able to have relative freedom in prison because he helped all, even other prisons’ prison warning taxes; He can dig through walls and climb 500 yards of underground pipes because he understands geology and weather; he can finally live on a small island in the Pacific because he understands the household registration policy and uses the warden to recreate a Identity.

Every seemingly inconspicuous skill will save lives at critical times. Every skill, no matter how big or small, as long as you are proficient, it is your tool for walking in the world.


The greatest miracle in life is long-termism

"We tend to overestimate the changes in one year and underestimate the achievements of the ten years." When Andy asked Reid to get a pickaxe, Reid never thought that he would use it to dig a hole to escape from prison. "It will take at least 600 years to dig a hole with this," Reid laughed.

But in the end, Andy only spent 19 years. The moment the poster was torn apart, everyone was dumbfounded.

Digging a hole in the ground is the dumbest way to escape from prison. Everyone in Shawshank can think of it, but they all wanted to use other seemingly simple and efficient methods, but they all failed in the end.

The reality is the same. There are many smart people in the world, and others can think of what you can think of. In the end, you can win among smart people because you are more determined than others.

This world is so strange:
Those who wanted to take shortcuts ended up taking detours. Those who wanted to speculate eventually fell into the trap. The finalists are all long-termists. People who have been successful for a long time are long-termists.


I like the part about accepting the present. I believe it requires a lot of honesty and courage in other to accept whats real.