Failing Journalism: Episode 1503

in LifeStylelast month

Full Metal Ox Day 1438
Wednesday 05, February 2025
Serenity Year Episode 1503
**Noxsoma Life Camp:

Failing Journalism

We don't mean to go on about the failures of corporate journalism, but we have this piece sitting in the box waiting for exposure.

Do you know how tumors work? From what I've been able to gather, they are stored poisons that the vessel cannot metabolize of eliminate. What the vessel cannot use, or eliminate, it stores. Corporate media companies are like tumors. They store and perpetuate shady and dishonest journalists in their tumors. When those tumors burst, and those shady journalists, who mostly have known nothing else but the corporate hype & half-truths system, leak out into the "independant" blogosphere, they behave the same way. (There are some exceptions, of course.)

Thus the corporate media cancer spreads.

Anyway, that's today's drop. It's Wellness Wednesday so we have a one-minute check in for you as well.

Today's Episode:

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SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

Program notes
YouTube channel:

YouTube: Fortnight Fitness includes our three awesome training locations. The Gymmy Jamm (weight lifting & body building). Monkey Bars Business, outdoor bar work, pulls and dips, And the Park Workout which has become the exotic, single arm pull ups work, hybrid hanging, off balance push ups, leg work & two finger pull ups. There's also the Bulletproof Should Mobility sessions running for this entire year. (Barring any unforseen issues.) The Fortnight package is exclusively on The Shoulder course is at Drop by and check us out.

Slap the Wall Park Session 8 - Mon -

Leg Bomb/Chest Sat Ep-12 -

Better than Expected: Gymmy Jamm Ep 11 (Fri) -

Enhanced Performance MBB 03 - (Wed) -

Stay Hard Monday Park Session 7 -

Vessel Maintenance - Gym Ep 10 -

Achy Breakin' - Gym Ep-009 -

Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

Contact: [email protected]
Living is the best part of life.