Mar y cielo, ambos son divinos/Sea and sky, both are divine.

in Photography4 years ago

Hoy no salí a hacer ejercicio, me senté a mirar las fotos de uno de mis viajes, este por ejemplo, el mar y el cielo con su hermoso color azul me hacen recordar los momentos vividos .

Today I did not go out to exercise, I sat down to look at the photos of one of my trips, this one for example , the sea and the sky with their beautiful blue color make me remember the moments lived.

El hotel en el que nos alojamos , desde allí el mar se veía más hermoso, parecía no tener fin, el cielo siempre iluminaba las aguas, era fantástico.

The hotel we stayed in, from there the sea looked more beautiful, it seemed to have no end, the sky always illuminated the waters, it was fantastic .

La isla de San Andrés es una belleza .

The island of San Andrés is a beauty.

La brisa mece las palmeras y refresca el ambiente.

The breeze sways the palm trees and refreshes the atmosphere.

No hay demasiada congestión de tráfico .

Not too much traffic congestion.

La gastronomía es variada, no es simplemente pescado, definitivamente son recuerdos maravillosos.

The gastronomy is varied, it is not just fish, they are definitely wonderful memories.


I like the looks of that Bread Bowl...
May 18, 2021.. 13.6 Hollywood Time...

Hi @pocket-change ,not only the appearance, the amount of meat that was inside and how tasty it was, I'm telling you, I'm not bragging ha ha ha ha,

Thanks a lot for resteem my post.

The sea view is beautiful and the clouds are wonderful. Your foods and your drinks look delicious and tasty. ;)