Bukan Gunung dan Laut Saja Yang Indah, Tetapi Persahabatan Yang Baik Jauh Lebih Indah

in Steem Geography4 years ago

Steem Geography

Good Morning Friends of Steemia Everyone On this occasion I will discuss what friendship means.


on thursday i do my thesis research i ask my friends to help me complete my final project or college thesis, here i ask my friends to do sports activities that i want to research, the sport i want to research is PENCAK SILAT. The location I want to research is in my own village, BLANG VILLAGE, Syamtalira Aron, North Aceh Regency, Aceh Provincial.

Friendship is a term that describes cooperative and mutually supportive behavior between two or more social entities. In this sense, the term "friendship" describes a relationship that involves knowledge, appreciation, affection and feelings.

Life is meaningless if we don't have a friend. Friends are those who are always by your side not only when you are victorious, but also when you are helpless. Friends are not only together in times of joy and sorrow, but friends must be able to overcome every problem together.


Lokasi Tempat Durian Sitepu Jln. Medan Sunggal Rajawali


On this occasion I visited the place of my lecturer who was in Durian Sitepu Jln. Cassowary....

here I discuss about my thesis, once I promote STEEMIT to my lecturers, and I have taught a lot about Steemit with his father as my lecturer.


         Lokasi HERO CAFFE 
       Geudong Samudera Pasee

These are my moments when I visited the HERO CAFE place. I happened to meet an old friend of mine who was also there. good friends surely meet in good Moments.

Sekian cerita saya pada hari ini semoga teman-teman yang ada di steemit diberikan kesehatan dan Sudikiranya membaca postingan saya dan bisa bermanfaat kepada masyarakat dan pribadi saya sendiri...
mohon maaf bila ada kesalahan dalam postingan saya, tolong beri saya arahan supaya saya tidak salah lagi dalam membuat postingan selanjut nya. Saya berterimakasih kepada kawan-kawan steemia semua yang telah mengunjungi blog saya dan dukungannya.

Dan saya juga berterimakasih kepada @heriadi @pennsif @irawandedy dan @klen.civil @tuchik @akmal1 @taqin @joy-steem @jcorner dan kawan-kawan lain semua yang telah memberi arahan kepada saya dan dukungannya, Saya tidak sanggup membalas jasa baik kalian semoga allah yang bisa membalas jasa kalian semua amin yarabbalalamin...


Hormat Saya @taqin