✨NEW CONTEST!! 🌷The colors of nature🖌️ // ✨NUEVO CONCURSO!! 🌷 Los colores de la naturaleza 🖌️
✨NEW CONTEST!! 🌷The colors of nature🖌️
This contest consists of choosing a color, it can be the one you want! You have to share an image of the color and then tell us in what elements of nature you can find it.
Ideally, you should add some images taken by you, where this color is seen.
Remember to share with us the data of the camera or mobile phone used.
Contest rules
⚠️ Maximum 300 words.
⚠️Plagiarism is not allowed, not from any Steemit users, nor from any website outside Steemit
- The publications can be in any language.
- Resteem this post, so more people find out about the contest.
- Make sure to tag me @belenguerra, so I can see your post faster.
- Use the tags #steemgeography, #geography and # yourcountry ( #argentina in my case).
- Share the link of your publication in a comment. I won't take into account entries that aren't shared as a comment in this post, or that are published in another community.
- It would be great if you share your publication on Twitter, tagging @steemit, or on any social network you prefer.
- Please cite the sources wherein you've got the pictures or data.
- Please offer details of the camera used to take the pictures.
Posts will be accepted until May 2nd, 11.59 pm UTC.
Awards - 20 STEEM in prizes
The prizes will be awarded as follows:
- 1st place = 7.5 STEEM
- 2nd place = 5 STEEM
- 3rd place = 3.5 STEEM
- 4th place = 2.5 STEEM
- 5th place = 1.5 STEEM
I'm very excited to read your entries!!
Have a very good day, and thanks a lot for participating!
Steem Geography
✨NUEVO CONCURSO!! 🌷 Los colores de la naturaleza 🖌️
Este concurso consiste en que elijas un color, puede ser el que quieras! Tienes que compartir una imagen del color y luego contarnos en qué elementos de la naturaleza puedes encontrarlo.
Lo ideal, es que agregues algunas imágenes tomadas por vos, donde se vea este color.
Recuerda compartir con nosotros los datos de la cámara o teléfono móvil utilizados.
Reglas del concurso
⚠️Máximo 300 palabras.
⚠️No se permite el plagio, ni de ningún usuario de Steemit, ni de ningún sitio web fuera de Steemit.
- Las publicaciones pueden estar en cualquier idioma.
- Resteemea esta publicación, así más personas se enteran del concurso.
- Asegúrate de etiquetarme @belenguerra, así puedo ver tu entrada más rápido
- Usá las etiquetas #steemgeography, #geography, # tupais ( #argentina en mi caso)
- Comparte el link de tu publicación en un comentario. No tendré en cuenta las entradas que no se encuentren anunciadas en este posteo o que estén publicadas en otra comunidad.
- Sería genial si compartieras tu publicación en Twitter, etiquetando a @steemit, o en cualquier red social que prefieras
- Por favor, cita la fuente de las imágenes y de la información.
- Por favor da detalles de la cámara utilizada para sacar las fotos.
Las publicaciones se aceptarán hasta el 2 de mayo, 11.59 pm UTC.
Premios - 20 STEEM en recompensa:
- 1er lugar = 7.5 STEEM
- 2do lugar = 5 STEEM
- 3er lugar = 3.5 STEEM
- 4to lugar = 2.5 STEEM
- 5to lugar = 1.5 STEEM
Estoy muy ansiosa por leer sus entradas!!
Que tengas un muy buen día! Muchas gracias por participar
Steem Geography
pity you force those who use the blockchain for a reason to use Twitter. Good luck with your contest.
@wakeupkitty, this was a suggestion from curators as @steemcurator01 with the goal of promoting #steemit. Pity that you don't want to promote this amazing platform
I promote Steemit but not by using Twitter. I don't like the platform and noticed they remove or make invisible what is promoted. Other platforms and cryptocurrencies to start with but also freedom of speach. Platforms like these (Twitter, Facebook) shouldn't be promoted.
To my opinion we should care more about those who join #Steemit and get lost. We should help them to improve and get better, comment and stay in touch. If those who try hard feel welcome and like it on a longer term they will invite others too.
I totally agree with my steem mate...this forces us to use social media..it's not that we don't want to promote steemit..we promote steemit everywhere that we can but please don't force us do use social media...they really stress me all those platforms..there is a lot of negativity and hate there.This rule has to be on the free will and not mandatory...i personaly don't use any other social media platform..it's also pity to puting labels to people as "they don't want to promote steemit"...didn't expect this kind of comment @belenguerra ..i'm leaving this comment with all my kindness even that i wont participate to this contest...sending all my love!!
Hello dear friends @grecloco and @wakeupkitty, the idea of promoting Steemit on Twitter or Facebook didn't come from me, but rather @steemitblog on CryptoAcademy, @steemcurator01, or curators like @stephenkendal promote it, and at the time it was @steemcurator01 who suggested doing it.
The objective is not to promote Twitter, but Steemit on Twitter for example. In my case, I don't use Twitter, but I opened an account exclusively to promote Steemit like when I do the Crypto Academy tasks, which in fact the last time I forgot to share it, because I use social networks very little.
I changed a few words in the rules, so that you understand that promotion is not mandatory, but if you choose to do it, then much better for Steemit.
If you aren't comfortable with this contest or with me, I just understand, and thanks for commenting anyway.
Have a great day 😊
Dear @belenguerra ....First of all, thank you for listening us,for your correction to the contest and for your kind reply.
I thought that the thing about promoting on social media by curators was a suggestion and not a requirement and I haven't seen it as mandatory in other communities
although i don't see any point in opening a social media account without using it or no having any friends ...just to post a steemit contest in order to make an entry valid ...nevertheless i understand the idea i just don't understand the coercion
speaking for myself...I have nothing personal with you or your contests...on the contrary, i respect you and I like this community and want to participate
I generally like healthy debates and I believe that this is how we improve in general
All happens with love,kindness and respect :)
kind regards
My friend, that doesn't exist from me. As I mentioned before, when we started another community, Writing & Reviews, curators suggested that.
I don't think that's a bad idea, but personally,
I don't disqualify someone for not sharing on another social network, which I do in case of plagiarism.
Everyone is free to share or not where they want.
I appreciate that you tell me about this and yes, do it with total freedom since it's something that helps to improve the functioning of the community and #steemit in general.
Hi dear, it has nothing to do with the contest (I like it plus green is my favourite colour) or you but with my feelings if it comes to Twitter.
I do understand Steemit needs to be promoted and I do such just not by using Twitter because of Twitter's hostile attitude.
I hope many will join you.
@gertru, @heartbeat1515, @sacra97, @genomil, @psicoparedes, @marblely, @ipolatjeh1988 do you like to join this contest?
Hola amiga, gracias por la invitación, claro que si ya estoy preparando mi participación, me encanta la iniciativa de nuestra amiga @belenguerra y te cuento que no uso ni facebook ni twitter pero igual me encanta participar y apoyar.
Saludos amiga, que tengas un feliz dia.
Muchas gracias por comentar amiga y por sumarte! :) Ya leí tu hermosa entrada!
Great my friend
Aquí os dejo mi aportación al concurso.
Holaaaaa aquí mi participación en los colores de la naturaleza espero les guste la publicación
El color favorito de mi nieta!! hermoso!!
Tu nieta tiene buen gusto 🌺🌺
Hola amiga @belenguerra, aquí está mi entrada.
Please friends check my post once
thank you so much friends
wonderful Contest dear @belenguerra

I am really glad to be a part of it.
This is my entry:
Beautiful Colors of the Nature
You most welcome sister
Mi participación en el concurso
Publicación: https://tinyurl.com/vb4tjjpk
Twitter : https://tinyurl.com/mcpczm5v
Linda resentación, de verdad una demostración disna del color naranja en tan espectaculares atardeceres! Felicitaciones amigo @jjer buena suerte en el concurso de @belenguerra abrazos y besos!
Muchas gracias amiga. Pero el concurso ya pasó, será para la proxima jeje. Bendiciones y un abrazo para ti tambien!
Colours of nature Contest! Such an exciting Contest,time to explore nature.
Thanks for this contest
Great!! I'm glad you like it!! :)
Please give me vote
Genial, preparare mi entrada
Genial!! Estare a la espera 😊