Agricultural Story #13
Have you ever imagined a world without vegetation, the big question would have been "how will humans survive?" Personally, I wouldn't have provided an answer to that question but that's not the case. In vegetation, man deciphers the code by grouping then into food,herbs and other classification. For today, I'll love to go into Cassava.
Cassava remains one of the most preferred crops to plants in the West African region. It's a commodity that supplies the king of food (Garri) and a wonderful accompaniment to soup (Fufu). It also has several uses like Tapioca (cooked cassava and sliced to regular shape), and other processed products. Personally, my family has 2 major crops to plant on a yearly basis which includes maize and cassava.
Year in, year out, my family harvested this major foodstuff to process mostly into Garri. Like I said earlier, no one can underestimate the power and value of Garri. They might not be any foodstuffs apart from Garri but someone will still eat. But if the reverse is the case, some people might wait for Garri. After being uprooted and harvested, we have to plant it again. This year has been one of the most farming seasons for me. The reason is that I am on holiday which exposes me more to farmwork.
As we all know, Cassava uses a technique known as stem cutting as its method of propagation. During the whole process of stem cutting, I saw active since I am throughout that process. If one is given that opportunity, it's important to check for nodes on the cassava because it's the stimulant for growth. Coming to the field, the farm is cleared and ready for cultivation.
The hole is dug and 3-4 stems are put into the hole. After the stem is set diagonally, it is covered and left for growth. In general, I'll say Cassava is one of the greatest crops ever known to us because of its valued products. In fact, it is the G.O.A.T. (Greatest of all time).
That's my Agricultural story
I invite @bossj23, @nsijoro and @pandora2010 to this contest.
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This plant in my country called is "Ubi". all processed foods from this plant are the best.
Welcome to steem-agro!
MODs Comment/Recommendation:
Would love to get a bowl of this groceries. I love to see and hardworking and so involved people are to farming this period, they are planting inorder to harvest huge. Cassava is one of the best things to plant because it has diverse uses, as you said, it is the GOAT.
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