SEC | S20W6: "The Use of Drones in Agriculture.

in Steem-Agro6 hours ago (edited)

Hello dear friends how are you all? I hope everyone is well by God's grace. I am also very well by the grace of Allah. Today I am here with a contest entry post. The ongoing contests of the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season Twenty are excellent. The teaching contest organized by @xkool24 is, SEC | S20W6: "The Use of Drones in Agriculture. I am ready to participate in this competition with pleasure. Let's begin.

What role have drones (unmanned aerial vehicles) played in modernizing agriculture? Use your country as an example if applicable.


The use of drones in agriculture is making great contributions. We see the use of drones as an advanced technology in agriculture. Drones are used as one of the most popular and popular tools in agriculture these days. Using drones in agriculture can help farmers gain insight into the condition of their cultivated land. We can easily identify where there is a deficiency in the land through the use of drones. The drones used in agriculture are very easy to see in our agricultural work. The use of drones to modernize agriculture is quite remarkable. In our country, however, the use of drones has not been so widespread. However, drones are used in agriculture in some areas.

Drones can be used in agriculture to detect insects on the ground or moisture in the soil. The use of advanced technology drones to review soil conditions and diagnose crop diseases plays an important role. The use of drones in agriculture is very effective for surveying the entire land. While a large land, i.e. a square land where all the land is not possible to review by walking on human body. And if the human body is to be reviewed then the crop may be damaged. So using drones to review all agricultural land has made the task very easy.

How do drones contribute to precision and efficiency in agricultural practices? What are the key benefits of using drones in agriculture?

The use of drones in agriculture will enable accurate monitoring. I have discussed a little earlier that the use of drones in agriculture is very beneficial. By using drones we can easily identify the current condition of the land. Drones can be used to review the current state of the land. The use of drones is very useful to review whether any insects have invaded the land, or whether there have been outbreaks. The use of drones is very important for practicing agricultural work. Through the use of drones, we can take great advantage in agricultural work. If the use of drones in agriculture becomes widespread then more yield will be obtained. Also we can practice fine farming. Below we have discussed the benefits that we will get by using drones in agriculture.


Land condition review: We do not have enough time to review the ground conditions. A lot of time is required if a land is to be reviewed properly. However, it will not be possible to accurately review the condition of the land. Therefore, the use of drones will be a very good method to survey the land properly.

Crop monitoring: Surveying the crops in the field will be very easy if you have the ability to use a drone. If we release a drone to review the crops in the land, we can easily review the crops of the land from one place. It will not be possible to go in person to inspect the crop. This will result in our need for drones. So we can say that through drones we will be able to review the crops of the land very easily.

Benefits of soil review: Using our drones is a great way to review soil conditions. If drones are used to inspect the soil, we will know if any part of the land needs irrigation or fertilizer. Along with this, the use of advanced technology drones for soil ph and moisture analysis will play a good role.

Review of insect infestations: Our land is constantly attacked by insects. After cultivating paddy, wheat, corn, etc., the land is attacked by rats. But we cannot identify them very easily. Because it is not possible to find a house for a mouse in a huge plot of land. But with the use of drones with high resolution, we can easily find the origin of rats on the ground.

Besides, we can get huge benefits by using drones for fertilizer application or soil biological status review. So I want to say that drones used in agriculture can make our farming life more prosperous.

How do drones help manage soil moisture and nutrient levels in crops?


The use of drones in agriculture is a very easy means of reviewing agricultural operations. With drones used in agriculture, we can easily diagnose crop diseases and review soil conditions. A better analysis of the current condition of the soil and the required irrigation or fertilizer application will be possible.Drones are used to monitor the crops grown on the land and find the best way to apply fertilizers or pesticides. It can make our farming life better and easier. Through the use of drones, we can easily review the condition of the soil and take proper measures. The use of drones in agriculture is a very good method to take timely action of any problem. It is easy to take good action by identifying and reviewing crop diseases.

Sometimes it is seen that there are occasional crop diseases in the land or Crops in the field are low in nutrients. We will review the soil there to address this situation. We'll drop a drone down there and test the ground and see if it's OK. After there review we will know about soil condition. Drone can be used to review soil ph value and biological capacity of soil acid and alkali etc.Basically, the use of drones plays an important role in reviewing the soil condition of agricultural land.That is, the artificial intelligence of using drones in agriculture has a role like robots. Drones used in agriculture are playing a great role in identifying good and bad land conditions.

Explain the significance of multispectral and hyperspectral imaging sensors in agricultural drones.


Multispectral and hyperspectral play a great role in using drones in agriculture. This method is very useful in diagnosing crop diseases and reviewing its normal condition. Below I discuss multispectral and hyperspectral.

Image sensor is used in this method. Through which it is very easy to review the health and condition of the crop. These methods play a very effective role in controlling diseases and insects in cropland through the use of advanced image sensors. It is advanced technology and its use makes it easy to identify the health of the crop and its problems.

Through multiple means we expect the crops of the land to be healthy and yielding well. And for that we need an excellent method which is the mentioned two methods. Multispectral and hyperspectral play a very good role through the use of agricultural drones.Which plays a major role in diagnosing diseases and ensuring good health of crops.

How drones help in soil mapping and why is it important for precision farming?


Drones have become one of the mediums in the field of applied agriculture. In such circumstances, the use of drones is playing a great role in agriculture. It is possible to get land maps very easily by using drones in agriculture. Along with this, precision farming is becoming possible through the use of drone technology. Through the use of drones in agriculture we can get very accurate and precise maps.

3D maps of land can be easily found by capturing high resolution images. Crop condition and diversity can be easily known after taking high resolution images. By capturing images of agricultural land, it can be easily mapped through 3D. The information and data collected from the drone is processed by the analysis software. Provides detailed analysis of soil health, plant growth and soil fertility. This method is very popular in agriculture and is progressing well.

Besides, precision farming is done through the use of drones in agriculture.


Through the use of drones, farmers can provide quantity of fertilizer and irrigation to the land. It improves the yield of the land and reduces the cost. Wastage is prevented. Reviews crop health and soil quality. It increases the productivity of the land. It is very simple and excellent method so that we can produce good crops very easily. Also, we can reduce the cost of farming by using drones. Farmers can benefit greatly by reducing costs. Through drones used in agriculture, it is possible to take appropriate measures by reviewing the overall condition of the land. So it can be said that the use of drones in agriculture helps us in precision farming.

It is a very nice competition. I participated in this competition with pleasure. So I invite my dear friends to participate in this contest, @pea07 @max-pro @ripon0630 Hope you will participate in this contest with pleasure.

|cc: @xkool24 @mainuna


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Welcome to the agro learning challenge season 20 Week-5.

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বাংলাদেশে এখনো ড্রন দিয়ে সঠিক ভাবে ফসল ফলানোর প্রক্রিয়া বেশিরভাগ মানুষ জানে না তারপরেও আপনি ভালো লিখেছেন ভাই। তবে আমাদের এলাকায় পরিক্ষা মূলক হলেও কিছু সেন্সর লাগিয়ে ড্রনের মাধ্যমে আমি ফসলের মাঠ পরিদর্শন করাবো। আপনি যে বিষয় গুলো আলোচনা করেছেন তার সবগুলোই নিখুঁত ভাবে পরিক্ষা করতে পারে ড্রন। বিশেষ করে মাঠির অবস্থা বা পুষ্টি গুন সহজেই নির্ণেয় করতে পারে। আপনার এলাকায় কৃষি অফিস থেকে কখনো ড্রন দিয়ে জমি পরিদর্শন করালে অবশ্যই তা দেখার অনুরোধ করবো তাহলে আপনি সহজেই বুঝতে পারবেন ড্রন দিয়ে কিভাবে জমি চাষকে সহজ করা হয়েছে। বর্তমান পাতা পোড়া রোগ গুলো নির্ণেয় করতে কৃষক ভাইদের পরিশ্রম করতে হয় কিন্তু ড্রনের সেন্সর সহজেই বলে দিতে পারে সেটা কি রোগ। তাই আধুনিক কৃষি সম্পর্কে জানতে আমাদের সাথেই থাকুন এবং কৃষি আপডেট গুলো নিয়মিত পড়ুন ভাইয়া।

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আপনার নিখুঁত পর্যালোচনার জন্য ধন্যবাদ। মানসম্মত পয়েন্ট কাউন্ট করতে পেরে আমি আনন্দিত। আল্লাহ আপনার মঙ্গল করুক। আমিন।

আমি কমেন্ট থেকে যতটুকু বুঝতে পেরেছি আপনি একজন ধর্মভীরু মানুষ আপনি আমার জন্য দোয়া করবেন ভাই। আল্লাহ আপনার নেক হায়াত দান করুক আপনার বাবা মা কে সুস্থ রাখুক 🤲

আমিন ❤️🤲♥️

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