SLC23-W3 // "Chinese Cuisine"

in Steem-Agro10 days ago


Hello friends!

Am a lover of good food and I like trying out meals that am not so use . This is why I have taken the opportunity to take part in week 3, interestingly it has something new to off me which is the Chinese cuisine.

Have you tried any Chinese food? Which Chinese food is available at your local places?

Oh yes! I have tried a few of Chinese food. The first time was when I was when I was in the university. My best friend took us out to a Chinese restaurant.

Because of how much I have been hearing about Chinese spaghetti I wanted to taste it so I ordered for it. What they brought to me was called Chinese Spaghetti Bolognese. It was delicious and spicy.

There are several Chinese food found in the city where I live presently. When I moved to another city called Lagos I visited, another Chinese restaurant very popular. They call it Zen Garden. I have also visited the Chai tang restaurant in Lagos .

Some of the food that was available in those Chinese restaurant during my visit includes

  • Iris potatoes sauce and veggies
  • Fried Rice and chicken sauce
  • Chinese spaghetti Bolognese
  • Chicken with garlic sauce
  • Mixed vegetable fried rice
Make the given recipe or any recipe that you like from Chinese cuisine step by step in detail with pictures. Include your name tag with date in final presentationof recipe

I decided to make the given recipe with a slight difference in some ingredients because of how difficult it was to get. Instead of Chicken I decided to use beef because lately I have eaten a lot of chicken and honestly am already tired. Another reason for using beef is because I wanted to just add little style to it because in cooking we allowed to add a touch of creativity.

To marinate

Boneless Beef200g
Whisked Egg1
Salthalf tsp.
Black pepper powderhalf tsp.
Cornflour1 tbs
All purpose flourhalf tbs.
Cooking oilFor frying the beef
IMG_20250305_131037_499.jpgmy ingredients in picture

To Prepare the Beef dried chilli

Cooking oil2 tbs.
Garlic choppedhalf tbs
Ginger choppedhalf tbs
Green chilli1 big
Black pepper powder1/4 tsp.
Chicken seasoning1 cube
Chilli garlic sauce...
Salt1/4 tsp.
Sugar1/2 tsp
Spring onion leaveschopped


First I wash my Beef with little pinch of salt in water to make it clean. Next I whisked my egg well.

I added my chicken, egg, salt, black pepper powder and my all purpose flour in a bowl and mix very well and converted it to marinate for 25 minutes.

IMG_20250305_131647_804.jpg adding little salt to wash meat
IMG_20250305_132040_5.jpgclean meat in bowlIMG_20250305_132207_682.jpgwhisking my egg

In a pan, I heat my cooking oil and fry my marinated beef on medium flame until it becomes golden and crispy.



I wash the chilli pepper and onion spring in water to remove dirts and I slice them accordingly.


I also slice my garlic and ginger into the desired size I want getting them ready.



In my pan, I add my cooking oil, garlic, ginger and I mix them well.


I added my friend beef, and I add my chilli garlic sauce and mix well

Next I added my salt, black pepper seasoning cube and sugar then I mixed well

Next I added my spring onion leaves and mix completely.

IMG_20250305_151241_299.jpgThis is how my dried beef Chilli looks

I decided to enjoy it with white Rice. Take a look at my final result.

IMG_20250305_162724_416.jpgFinal Result and Presentation of my Dried Beef Chilli

This tasted so nice and the aroma filled the whole kitchen.

What is your favorite family recipe from Chinese cuisine that you make with fusion of your local species?

Growing up as kids we loved to eat rice and would never get tired of rice because of the varieties you can make with it.

My sister introduced us to a new form of making rice, the first time she cooked that particular food we all felt we were in China already. Hahaha! Because her meal was not just beautiful but looked exactly like those Chinese food we saw on TV.

Afterwards that became our favourite Chinese food. That food is no other than Vegetables fried rice.

The vegetables are green peas, green chilies, spring onion, carrot, sweet corn, kidney beans.
While local spices for that meal was Curry powder, nutmeg, seasoning cubes and meat stock.

Any difficulty that you faced during making recipe?

I really enjoyed myself making this Chinese meal. Although the difficulty I faced while preparing this meal was knowing which ingredients should go first before the other. I had to go back to you post several times while cooking to check what should go in first.

Another difficulty I faced was getting some of the ingredients. I went so far asking and searching for ingredients like corn flour, chicken stock. I eventually didn't get the chicken stock. So I used my chicken cubes as alternative.

I also found it hard waiting for 25 minutes for my beef to while it marinated, am not sure I was use to it. But there is always a first time.

I am so happy am learning, thank you @suboohi for the class, it was eventful!

I would like to invite my friends to join in this contest @sahmie @lhorgic @pandora2010


Hola mi querida dama.
El arroz chino es delicioso, así que entiendo que usted y su familia lo eligiera como favorito cuando eran niños.
También entiendo que no le guste esperar ni 25 minutos es que uno se pone como nerviosa jejeje
Su preparación se ve muy bien, así que puedo decir que fue prueba superada.
La felicito.
Éxito y más éxito.
Muchas Bendiciones..🙏🏻

Thank you so much my friend!
I love rice so much!

I hope you reserved a plate for me, I can come and see this goodness and don't taste out of it, come to think of it, why did you mention me, just to come see and not taste... you're a joker, am on my way to your city...see me there in a jiffy.

Hahaha so funny..I hope you don't miss your way.i mentioned you because I want you to join the challenge. Just challenge me one day and enter this cooking contest.