Animal Activities #13

in Steem-Agro6 days ago


Join me as I visit the chicken market farm.
Of course I must get there first before my story begins😂. It's Monday morning and as usual the roads are always busy and congested, this area is not excluded as motorists literally fight sometimes to gain passage. I didn't meet any fight this time, but my heart was in my hand as the bike driver carrying me was driving as though we live more than once😂.


Anyways I got to the farm in one piece. This part of the farm is always less busy by this time of the morning. The reason for this is because chicken farmers are mostly on their way from their houses where they train these birds, but today the heavens are on my side as my supplier was just arriving as I stepped into their row. I sat down and made myself comfortable as she set up her stall and got ready to receive her birds.
It turns out they operate a system of partnership here, where two people can partner and buy chicken in bulk then share it into their different cages.
Below are some picture of the farmer collecting her birds and putting them into the cage.


These birds look very healthy, but they are very light. This is due to the fact that they haven't eaten anything since morning. Who knew that birds are very much like humans who will be light in the morning when they haven't eaten?
Anyways, she immediately bought half bag of feed. Very interested in what she was doing I asked to help out and also use the opportunity to take a look inside to see what kind of food they eat.



This feed is called the ultima. It helps them to gain weight. This weight is very important because chicken don't do well with stress. Anything that gives them stress automatically makes them lose weight and the journey from the point of sale to the farm market plus the noise of humans and vehicles will cause them to lose weight.
As I had earlier asked to help, I took their food trays and filled it with feed. The way they ate this food ravenously, would make one think they had been fasting for days😂


While all these were happening , a customer stopped to check the chicken , but didn't buy. When I asked her why, she said that different customers look out for different things before they buy the birds. This particular customer wanted short leg birds, while what she had was long legs.
Ths made me ponder how very similar buying chicken is to human behaviour. We all are looking for different things in life and most times if our requirements aren't met, we don't buy.
In as much as the short legged chicken won't add anything to the taste of the food when cooked, this one criteria would make this woman walk round the chicken farm until she sees it and even at that, the price might be higher than she can pay.


This made me ponder even more deeply about my life choices and if I was really giving priority to the things that mattered most.

One of her birds died in transit and she set about de- feathering and getting it cleaned up.

By this time the noise in the market has gotten to a fevered pitch and i could stay no more. I had learnt a couple of lessons that has given me a lot t o think about and has made me Introspect. I'll be back on another day, maybe with another life lesson in store.
I invite @jovita30 @hyacinthfavour and @pandoradiray to participate in this contest. All pictures are mine.