AgriTech 4.0 || How Deep Learning Powers Agriculture 4.0 || A Comprehensive Research Study

in Steem-Agro3 days ago (edited)

Hello everyone

From Concept to Application

As we have already talked about how technology can do wonders in life. We need ways and techniques through which we can make such technologies and advancement which can do wonders in agriculture.

I have a course "Big Data" which is focused on teaching how we can do advancement in each and everything. From IOT Applications to Dashboard what tricks and techniques ,models and algorithm we can use to do advancement in that specific field.

Its is not merely, focused on teaching these concepts but it focuses on how a large amount of data that is BIG DATA can be handled and performed operations on.


When I had my first class I had a question in my mind, " why we need advancement in technologies when they are already good to go?" "Why waste money and hire a developer ?"

Now that I have already taken 3 to 4 classes, My point of view is quite clear regarding it.

The answer which fixes my pov was that we humans are often fond of doing shortcuts. We seek and plan on how to get outputs faster .We often tend not to work hard on the input but fight to get the output.

Advancement in anything, is simply progressing in that thing. Technology is already helping us in many ways, advancing in those technologies can literally fix our live and all other problems that we are facing in it.


Application Proposal

Luckily enough, We were given a project assignment. It wasn't directly related to agriculture but focused on Deep Learning Algorithms. It truly defines and support ideas through which we can also make advancement in agriculture.
And then it wasn't short time that I started carrying out a research work on how to progress in agroTech.
An application which focus on doing crop predictions . Telling us whether the crops are infected or not .Clear predictions are made but as they say predictions done by machines are never go wrong.


Deep Dive into CNNs: Architecture, Applications, and Innovations:

CNN is a deep learning algorithm and a very helpful technique which works by predicting or telling information which it is designed to tell.

Through images it can literally works like magic. It is like a carbon copy of human brain. It can looks sense and tell us about information which it is designed to tell.
Whether ,we can design it to tell us about predictions or we can design it in a way that it can tell us about the images.

Through a thousand images it can tell which image is a car, an object or what so ever.

Here, in agriculture we can use it in a way that it can predict diseases in vegetables. An application which has a camera and which supports clicking pics can be made .As soon as a picture is clicked through CNN analysis, strong data about whether the vegetable is rot or about to be rot or not can be made.


Vegetables Prediction Using CNN:

Vegetables in agriculture is very vast and a very rich concept. Not only does it support employment but it is our source of food.
A single rot crop can cause the entire field to rot very fast. It can literally damage amounts of hard work and labor of farmers.
Why not make an application through which they can weekly ,or as per needed check ,if the crop is rotten or not. Lets assume vegetables here.

There are a lot of diseases which vegetables can quickly adopt to, regardless of multiple security measures.

Lets consider a Potato plant. The most common diseases which a potato plant can get infected from are Early Blight and Late Blight.

Early Blight is caused by a fungus and Late blight is caused by a micro organism. If a farmer can detect these diseases in a crop early and apply appropriate treatment then it can save a lot of waste and also it can prevent economic loss.

The treatment for both the diseases are quite different so finding which crop has which disease is also an important factor.

Through an application focused on CNN these measures can be easily taken care of saving time ,money and hard work.


GitHub Repository

With a lot of talented developers ,this application has already been made and we can see a thousand of such projects available on git hub and other open source platforms.


I hope this post can be informative to all the readers. My mission is to bridge the gap between agriculture and technology, offering meaningful insights that empower and educate. Awareness is key to fostering growth and innovation in our fields.

Thankyou Everyone

 3 days ago 

Thanks for the support!


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MODs Comment/Recommendation:
Thank you so much for sharing your deep search with us. This article help us to understand the agriculture in advanced level. CNN application I know about it first time. I hope you share more interesting articles. Keep it up.

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